Flipster Digital Magazines

Engage and entertain students in the remote classroom with Flipster digital magazines. 

See What Flipster Can Do for Your School Library


Unlimited access to digital magazines 


Top K-12 magazines and teacher’s guides 


Versatile platform supports multiple readers 


Award-winning, easy-to-use platform 


Track and compare magazine usage 


Flexible subscription options


Digital Magazine Reading List for Kids, Teens, Teachers and Parents

With families spending more time in their homes, it's no surprise that digital magazine reading is on the rise. Read more about popular magazine picks for children, teens, parents and teachers.

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Elderly man wearing sunglasses and sitting outside in a wheelchair with a blanket over his lap and looking at a laptop computer and holding earbuds with 6 Accessibility Icons.

Keeping Up with Accessibility Standards for Digital Magazine Readers

Flipster, EBSCO’s digital magazine platform, continues to make great strides in accessibility with the goal of providing a superior digital magazine reading experience to all readers while retaining the magazine “feel” that readers know and love.

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The Flipster App

The Flipster apps for iOS and Android enable your students and faculty to find and read your institution's Flipster digital magazines on their mobile devices. Available in the App Store or on Google Play.  

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