IPSWICH, Mass. — June 30, 2014 — EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) from EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is becoming the discovery solution of choice in Poland. To date, 25 universities and academic institutions in the country have chosen EDS as their discovery solution. Uniwersytet Warszawski, the biggest university in Poland, was the first university to implement EDS in 2011. Soon after, the technical universities Politechnika Wroclawska and Politechnika Lubelska and medical university, Gdanski Uniwersytet Medyczny implemented EDS and are among the longest users of EDS in Poland. Superior relevancy ranking and ease of implementation were common threads in the decision to utilize EDS as their discovery tool.
Barbara Urbanczyk, Deputy Director for the Electronic Library within Information Services from Center for Scientific and Technical Information in Politechnika Wroclawska, says that EDS was the only discovery solution that provided everything they needed. “We recognized other discovery-type products available on the market but only EDS met our expectation in case of time of the implementation, searching speed, relevance system, extended functionality such as export options and the possibility to search additional resources using one discovery tool via remote connectors.”
Relevancy ranking was also a factor in their decision for Gdanski Uniwersytet Medyczny Anna Grygorowicz Library Director says “Our users were looking for a tool that enables them to find information quickly. A matter of considerable importance to us was the superior relevance system in EDS that prevents the necessity to browse multiple pages result list.”
EDS employs a multi-faceted relevance ranking methodology that is the foundation of EBSCO’s premier search and discovery platform. EBSCO is also very open on the relevance ranking formula. A Google search on “relevance ranking” provides an explanation of EDS relevance priorities in the very first result.
For Politechnika Lubelska, they were impressed with the ease of implementation. According to Dorota Tkaczyk Library Director “We were looking for the most comprehensive and complete search tool, with many options enabling to refine and expand search results. It was also very important to have a short implementation period and EDS delivered.”
EBSCO Discovery Service creates a unified, customized index of an institution’s information resources, and an easy, yet powerful means of accessing all of that content from a single search box-searching made even more powerful because of the quality of its relevance and value ranking technology.
About EBSCO Information Services
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is the leading discovery service provider for libraries worldwide with more than 6,000 customers in over 100 countries. EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) provides each institution with a comprehensive, single search box for its entire collection, offering unparalleled relevance ranking quality and extensive customization. EBSCO is also the preeminent provider of online research content for libraries, including hundreds of research databases, historical archives, point-of-care medical reference, and corporate learning tools. EBSCO is the leading provider of electronic journals & books for libraries, with subscription management for more than 360,000 serials, including more than 57,000 e-journals, as well as online access to more than 550,000 e-books. For more information, visit the EBSCO website at: www.ebsco.com. EBSCO Information Services is a division of EBSCO Industries Inc., a family owned company since 1944.
For more information, please contact:
Kathleen McEvoy
Vice President of Communications
(800) 653-2726 ext. 2594