IPSWICH, Mass. — June 13, 2024 — More than 200 libraries worldwide have officially implemented the FOLIO Library Services Platform (LSP) using EBSCO FOLIO from EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO). EBSCO FOLIO brings an open-source option to libraries and library systems of all sizes, functions, and staffing levels. EBSCO provides FOLIO solutions that support the implementation and hosting needs of academic research libraries, consortia, medium and small colleges, universities, and community colleges.
EBSCO introduced its first FOLIO library in 2019, and today, five years later, the platform remains at the forefront of innovation. EBSCO’s commitment to innovation and customer support ensures that FOLIO will continue to evolve and improve, keeping pace with the changing needs of libraries from various global perspectives and with diverse sizes and functions. FOLIO’s contemporary architecture ensures continuous evolution and support for applications from third-party providers.
At the heart of this milestone are EBSCO’s FOLIO migration teams, which provide crucial support to the growing number of libraries moving to the open-source platform. These teams, with their deep understanding of the platform and the unique needs of each library, ensure a seamless implementation process that leads to a successful migration, underscoring the value of EBSCO’s FOLIO services in the FOLIO LSP implementation.
EBSCO Information Services Executive Vice President of Research Databases and Library Services, Gar Sydnor, says, “Any institution, especially those with staffing constraints, should be able to leverage and experience the benefits of open-source technology. EBSCO's level of FOLIO support is truly customizable and can be as involved or “hands-off” as the institution wants. We have tailored our services to meet the needs and requirements of varying organizations, regardless of their size and function. The beauty of FOLIO’s open nature is that it can work for everyone, and EBSCO FOLIO is available for those who need it.”
We have tailored our services to meet the needs and requirements of varying organizations, regardless of their size and function. The beauty of FOLIO’s open nature is that it can work for everyone, and EBSCO FOLIO is available for those who need it.
We have tailored our services to meet the needs and requirements of varying organizations, regardless of their size and function. The beauty of FOLIO’s open nature is that it can work for everyone, and EBSCO FOLIO is available for those who need it.
EBSCO Information Services Director of FOLIO Consulting Services Anya N. Arnold says EBSCO FOLIO adapts its services to make every implementation distinct. “Each library has unique workflows and nuances; they should not have to rely on services that restrict them to predefined workflows. Libraries that want to join the wave of open technology should have the support to do so. EBSCO’s FOLIO implementation teams are so proud to have had the opportunity to help more than 200 libraries and library systems join the open-source movement.”
Current EBSCO FOLIO sites represent more than 200 libraries, including academic research libraries, consortia, shared systems, universities of all sizes, community colleges, and public institutions. Some sites share the open source LSP across multiple libraries, such as the University of Missouri Libraries sharing FOLIO across six libraries, GALILEO sharing the system with 27 libraries, and MOBUIS with 62 libraries. EBSCO FOLIO Services consultants are located worldwide and provide services in multiple languages.
In addition to the continued involvement and support of the FOLIO community, EBSCO is actively participating in other open initiatives, such as the Open Library Foundation (OLF) and its recent resource-sharing initiative, the Open Resource Sharing Coalition (OpenRS). Earlier this week, EBSCO implemented the first consortial member, MOBIUS, with FOLIO and OpenRS. This initiative will create more possibilities for developing and enhancing additional open source services for consortia.
FOLIO is a collaborative effort among libraries, vendors, developers, and consortia that leverages open source technology and a community-based effort to redefine library services and innovate based on library futures. By building on what libraries need and leveraging library expertise, vendor capacity, and velocity, FOLIO is designed to move libraries forward, build on the services they provide, and redefine the role libraries play within their institution. FOLIO also levels the playing field and makes open source technology available to all institutions regardless of size or staffing. FOLIO brings vendors together to innovate and host services for customers and introduces open source as a service to libraries. To sign up to participate or receive more information go to www.folio.org.
About EBSCO Information Services
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is a leading provider of online research content and search technologies serving academic, school and public libraries; healthcare and medical institutions; corporations; and government agencies around the world. From research, acquisition management, subscription services and discovery to clinical decision support and patient care, learning, and research and development, EBSCO provides institutions with access to content and resources to serve the information and workflow needs of their users and organizations. For more information, visit the EBSCO website at: www.ebsco.com.
For more information, please contact:
Erica Gilson
Senior Communications Specialist