EBSCO Health Continues Partnership with ALiEM Chief Resident Incubator

~ Program Supports Mentorship and Education of Future Leaders in Emergency Medicine ~

IPSWICH, Mass.March 21, 2016 — New chief residents now have the opportunity to benefit from a virtual community of their peers and mentors through the Academic Life in Emergency Medicine (ALiEM) Chief Resident Incubator, which is exclusively supported by EBSCO Health and its flagship product, DynaMed Plus™. The Chief Resident Incubator announced today that enrollment is officially open for the 2016-17 class of emergency medicine (EM) chief residents.

The Chief Resident Incubator was established in 2015 to address the unique educational and professional needs of EM chief residents. It aims to foster a strong community to optimize the chief resident year, deliver educational curriculum designed specifically for chief residents, host virtual seminars focused on important components of the chief resident year including leadership, and provide virtual mentors who can discuss issues that commonly arise for chief residents. More than 200 EM chief residents from 71 residency programs across North America took part last year.

EBSCO Health/DynaMed Plus provides support for the Chief Resident Incubator through an unrestricted education grant. It also sponsors the EBSCO Health/DynaMed Plus Wellness Grant, which was awarded to Dr. Kory Gebhardt at McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University last year after a nation-wide search for innovative EM residence wellness and resilience ideas.

Michelle Lin, MD, one of the leaders of the Incubator and the DynaMed Deputy Editor for Emergency Medicine, says that the program was able to accomplish a significant amount during its first year thanks to the support of EBSCO Health. “The EBSCO Health/DynaMed Plus grant provided us unprecedented support for the professional development these chief residents. We were able to provide educational materials to our members as well as fund resources and materials that we will be able to use in the years ahead. None of this would have been possible without EBSCO Health’s investment.”

EBSCO Health Senior Vice President of Medical Product Management Betsy Jones says that the partnership with Chief Resident Incubator is important, and EBSCO Health supports these chief residents in their development. “By ensuring that the Incubator can give chief residents the mentoring and information that can assist them, we are making sure these future leaders have the resources they need to succeed. It is an honor to work with ALiEM and support its goals as it aligns well with our mission to make sure physicians can access the most updated and relevant information available to decide on the right treatment for their patients with DynaMed Plus.”

To learn more about the Incubator, visit http://www.aliem.com/aliem-chief-resident-incubator/. For more information on DynaMed Plus, visit: http://www.dynamed.com.

About ALiEM Chief Resident Incubator
The ALiEM Chief Resident Incubator provides a virtual online community to foster leadership and innovative skills for emergency medicine chief residents. Led by Dr. Adaira Chou (Chief Operating Officer), Dr. Michael Gisondi (Chief Strategy Officer), Dr. Nikita Joshi (Senior Advisor), and Dr. Michelle Lin (Senior Advisor), it fosters these budding leaders by connecting them with educational giants within their specialty as virtual mentors. The customized curriculum content is structured around a closed digital platform that will engage members to help launch and accelerate career development during their final academic year in residency. This exclusive, chief-resident only, year-long virtual community will stoke the fires of creative engagement through collaboration and mentorship.

About EBSCO Health
EBSCO Health, part of EBSCO Information Services, is a leading provider of clinical decision support solutions, healthcare business intelligence, and medical research information for the healthcare industry. EBSCO Health users include professionals in medicine, nursing, and allied health. Flagship products include CINAHL®, DynaMed Plus™, Nursing Reference Center™, clinical e-books and e-journals, EBSCO Discovery Service™, licensed databases (such as MEDLINE®), plus EBSCONET®. EBSCO databases are powered by EBSCOhost®, the electronic resource favored by libraries around the world.


For more information, please contact:

Kathleen McEvoy
Vice President of Communications
(800) 653-2726 ext. 2594

Michelle Lin, MD
ALiEM Editor-in-Chief

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