EBSCO Health Resource Named 2018 Best in KLAS for Clinical Decision Support

~ <em>Nursing Reference Center Plus™</em> and <em>DynaMed Plus®</em> Rated Top Point-of-Care Clinical Reference Tools by Healthcare Providers~

IPSWICH, Mass. — January 31, 2018 — Two EBSCO Health clinical resources were named among the top performing point-of-care reference tools in the 2018 Best in KLAS: Software and Services report. KLAS, a research firm that specializes in monitoring and reporting the performance of healthcare vendors, found that Nursing Reference Center Plus™ and DynaMed Plus® were among the top performing clinical decision support – point of care clinical reference tools, with Nursing Reference Center Plus ranked number one and DynaMed Plus coming in as a close second.

KLAS interviews thousands of healthcare professionals and uses the responses to rate point-of-care Disease Reference and Diagnostic Support tools. Evaluation questions cover several areas, including Sales and Contracting, Implementation and Training, Functionality and Upgrades, and Service and Support. 

Nursing Reference Center Plus is EBSCO Health’s point-of-care resource, designed by nurses for nurses. With Nursing Reference Center Plus, users get instant access to the most current evidence-based answers to their clinical questions, high-quality continuing education modules, tools to develop and improve nursing skills and more. DynaMed Plus is EBSCO Health’s flagship evidence-based information resource designed to reduce time to answer for clinicians and provide the most useful information to healthcare professionals at the point of care.

EBSCO Health’s Senior Vice President of Product Management, Betsy Jones, says the KLAS report reinforces EBSCO Health’s commitment to providing the top clinical reference tools to meet the needs of its users. “Clinicians need to access the most accurate information at the point of care to foster a successful patient experience and meet the needs of their patients. We’re encouraged to hear that healthcare professionals place these resources at the top of their list, from service to technology to support.”

More information about EBSCO Health’s clinical decision support solutions is available at https://health.ebsco.com.

About KLAS
KLAS is a research firm on a global mission to improve healthcare delivery by enabling providers and payers to be heard and counted. Working with thousands of healthcare professionals, KLAS gathers insights on software, services and medical equipment to deliver timely reports, trending data and statistical overviews. KLAS data is accurate, honest and impartial. The research directly represents the voice of healthcare professionals and acts as a catalyst for improving vendor performance. To learn more about KLAS and the insights we provide, visit www.KLASresearch.com.

About EBSCO Health
EBSCO Health, part of EBSCO Information Services, is a leading provider of clinical decision support solutions, healthcare business intelligence, and medical research information for the healthcare industry. EBSCO Health users include professionals in medicine, nursing, and allied health. Flagship products include CINAHL®, DynaMed Plus®, Nursing Reference Center Plus™, clinical e-books and e-journals, EBSCO Discovery Service™, licensed databases (such as MEDLINE®), plus EBSCONET®. EBSCO Health databases are powered by EBSCOhost®, the electronic resource favored by libraries around the world.


For more information, please contact:
Jessica Holmes
Communications Director
978-356-6500 ext. 3485

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