IPSWICH, Mass. — June 24, 2022 — EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) will be awarding $300,000 in grants to four libraries looking to further their sustainability goals. John D. MacArthur Campus Library at Florida Atlantic University, Florida; Shirley M. Wright Memorial Library, Wisconsin; Lincoln Library, Vermont; and Alan Batey Library and Learning Commons at Camosun College, British Columbia, Canada, will each receive an EBSCO Solar Grant to pay for the installation of a solar array. The grants offset the cost of installing solar panels and allow the libraries to reduce their electricity expenditures.
The John D. MacArthur Campus Library at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) in Jupiter, Florida has a green mission to promote sustainability through education, operations and community engagement. FAU Collection Development Librarian Dawn Frood says, “By receiving the EBSCO Solar Grant, our library can contribute to the University’s overall mission of collaborating with university and community partners to foster innovation by leveraging campus sustainability efforts while also including educational components for students, employees and the community.”
The Shirley M. Wright Memorial Library in Trempealeau, Wisconsin, is a community-minded rural library located on the Mississippi River looking to model good stewardship of the Earth's resources and provide education on how to reduce our carbon footprint. Library Director Jessica Schoonover says, “This solar grant provided by EBSCO will help the library purchase less power generated by fossil fuels, allowing our library to be financially and environmentally sustainable all while acting as a catalyst to inspire change in the community.”
The Lincoln Library, located in the Green Mountains of Vermont, is one of more than fifty libraries across the U.S. to participate in the Sustainable Library Certification Program. Library Director Wendy McIntosh says, “The Library is committed to becoming a better environmental steward in our close-knit, rural town, including looking at creative ways for achieving sustainable energy use.” With the assistance of EBSCO and the EBSCO Solar Grant, the Lincoln Library will be able to put into place a solar array to produce the energy needed for a new, high-efficiency heat pump. McIntosh said, “Like most community libraries, we operate on very tight budgets. We are thrilled to receive the EBSCO grant that will help us reach our goal of reducing our carbon footprint. Equally important is the ability to show our community (and other libraries) that energy sustainability is possible, even in a small town like Lincoln. I call that a win-win!”
The Alan Batey Library and Learning Commons at Camosun College located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada operates with environmental sustainability at the forefront of its operations, is committed to Indigenization and values sustainability as a strong corner post. Camosun College Sustainability Manager Shannon Craig says, “Receiving the EBSCO Solar Grant allows our library to continue playing an important role in educating students and the community about renewable energy, inside and outside the classroom. We plan to offer a variety of education opportunities around solar power for students and the community, including an information kiosk to demonstrate real-time data from solar installations. This grant also provides us with an innovative step to address the Climate Emergency and reduce GHG emissions.”
For more information on EBSCO Solar, visit www.ebsco.com/solar.
About EBSCO Information Services
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is the preeminent provider of online research content and search technologies serving academic, school and public libraries; healthcare and medical institutions; corporations; and government agencies around the world. From research, acquisition management, subscription services and discovery to clinical decision support and patient care, learning, and research and development, EBSCO provides institutions with access to content and resources to serve the information and workflow needs of their users and organizations. For more information, visit the EBSCO website at: www.ebsco.com.
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Kathleen McEvoy
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