EBSCO Information Services joins ORCID

~ Will Integrate Platform with Open Researcher and Contributor ID ~

IPSWICH, Mass. — October 22, 2013 — EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) announces it is now a member of Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID), an open, non-profit, community-driven effort to create and maintain a registry of unique and persistent researcher identifiers. ORCID works with the community to embed these identifiers in research workflows and systems to connect researchers with their scholarly activities and contributions. 

EBSCO Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for Subscription Services, Robert Schoenvogel says ORCID will have far-reaching effects. “The work being done by ORCID will bring a broad array of people and organizations together and benefits nearly everyone involved in scholarly research. By integrating these unique and persistent identifiers for researchers into EBSCO products – especially the soon to be released Article Publication Charge (APC) management product, we are looking to help improve the experience for authors and publishers and enhance the scientific discovery process.”

ORCID is the latest group that EBSCO has joined that supports the open exchange of information. EBSCO is also a member of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), which represents the interests of Open Access (OA) journals publishers.

About EBSCO Information Services
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is the leading provider of resources for libraries including EBSCONET®, EBSCO’s total e-resource management system, and EBSCOhost®, the world's premier for-fee online research service, including full-text databases, subject indexes, point-of-care medical reference, historical digital archives and e-books. EBSCO provides more than 375 research databases and nearly 450,000 e-books plus subscription management services for more than 360,000 unique titles including more than 57,000 online titles. Through a library of tens of thousands of full-text journals and magazines from renowned publishers, EBSCO serves the content needs of all researchers (Academic, Medical, K-12, Public Library, Corporate, Government, etc.). EBSCO is also the provider of EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS), which provides each institution with a fast, single search box for its entire collection, offering deeper indexing and more full-text searching of journals and magazines than any other discovery service. For more information, visit the EBSCO Web site at: www.ebsco.com. EBSCO is a division of EBSCO Industries Inc., one of the largest privately held companies in the United States.

ORCID (http://orcid.org) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing an open registry of unique person identifiers for researchers and scholars, and to working collaboratively with the research community to embed ORCID identifiers in workflows. ORCID identifiers connect researchers and scholars with their contributions by incorporation into the metadata of publications and other works.  ORCID was founded in 2010, a product of conversations among publishers, research funders, professional associations, universities, repositories, researchers, and data providers, who together determined that to solve the name ambiguity problem in scholarly and research communication required an organization that represented the entire research community without proprietary interest.  ORCID spans sectors, disciplines, organizations, and nations.  It is a community-driven effort to implement a standard and persistent representation of an individual contributor’s name, and to link that standard to others, such as document and dataset identifiers, research sample identifiers, grant identifiers, association membership, other person identifiers, and other research activities as determined by the community. Together these linkages support attribution and discoverability across the research and scholarly community.


For more information, please contact:
Kathleen McEvoy
Vice President of Communications
(800) 653-2726 ext. 2594


Laurel L, Haak
Executive Director, ORCID

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