IPSWICH, Mass. — May 16, 2014 —Three new medical e-book collections are available from EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO): The American Journal of Nursing 2013 Books of the Year, Doody’s Core Titles 2014 and Doody’s 4-and 5- Star Reviewed Titles 2014. The new EBSCO eBooks™ Featured Collections are created to provide medical libraries with convenient ways to begin or expand their e-book collections with current, reputable content from leading publishers.
The American Journal of Nursing 2013 Books of the Year collection features award-winning nursing eBooks from several publishers. Each of the 25 titles was recognized with a 2013 Book of the Year Award from The American Journal of Nursing. Titles cover a variety of disciplines, including palliative care and hospice, nursing research, psychiatric and mental health nursing, nursing education, community and public health, advanced practice and more. The American Journal of Nursing is published by Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Doody’s is an authoritative medical book review service designed to assist medical libraries and institutions with their purchasing decisions. The Doody’s Core Titles 2014 Featured Collection offers a package of front list medical e-books from the Doody’s Core Titles (DCT) 2014 list. Published annually, the DCT list highlights the best titles from a variety of medical specialties. Core Titles are based on a four-step selection and scoring process from nearly 200 medical librarians and content specialists.
Doody’s Review Service (DRS) uses a vast network of medical librarians and specialists to review new content monthly, rating it on a 5-star scale. The Doody’s 4- and 5- Star Reviewed Titles 2014 Featured Collection contains 4-and 5-star rated titles from the DRS 2014 reviews. It includes some titles from the Doody’s Core Title 2014 list and content will be added throughout the year.
EBSCO eBooks are available for purchase on an individual basis as well as in Subject Sets, Featured Collections and Custom Collections with a growing number of purchase, lease and subscription options as well as patron driven options. EBSCO eBooks represents a deep collection of e-book content that is accessible via a variety of devices. EBSCO proactively acquires new content in critical areas, based on the dynamic needs of libraries. Visit: http://www.ebscohost.com/ebooks for more information.
About EBSCO Information Services
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is the leading provider of resources for libraries including EBSCONET®, EBSCO’s total e-resource management system, and EBSCOhost®, the world's premier for-fee online research service, including full-text databases, subject indexes, point-of-care medical reference, historical digital archives and e-books. EBSCO provides more than 375 research databases and nearly 600,000 e-books plus subscription management services for more than 360,000 unique titles including more than 57,000 online titles. Through a library of tens of thousands of full-text journals and magazines from renowned publishers, EBSCO serves the content needs of all researchers (Academic, Medical, K-12, Public Library, Corporate, Government, etc.). EBSCO is also the provider of EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS), which provides each institution with a fast, single search box for its entire collection, offering superior relevance ranking and greater customization than any other discovery service. For more information, visit the EBSCO Web site at: www.ebsco.com. EBSCO is a division of EBSCO Industries Inc., one of the largest privately held companies in the United States.
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