IPSWICH, Mass. — March 19, 2014 — The Georgia Public Library Service (GPLS) is helping library patrons find great books to read by offering NoveList Select®, the catalog enrichment service from NoveList®, a division of EBSCO Information Services. Readers will be able to see reading recommendations, series information and e-resource recommendations directly in the library catalog.
By putting the answers to frequently asked questions and information about books into the catalog, NoveList helps make the content easily available to users and staff. Each one of a library’s title records becomes a virtual display that showcase a library’s collection and database resources. As a result, information that librarians have been using to answer questions is now available in the resource readers already use – the library’s catalog. Libraries that have implemented NoveList Select have seen an increase in use of NoveList content.
GPLS will subscribe to this service on behalf of all of Georgia's public libraries. This will increase access to resources from GALILEO, the state's virtual library. This will be especially beneficial for libraries that compsose the Georgia Library Public Information Network for Electronic Services (PINES) as this will increase access to an already extensive collection of materials to other resources from a single search interface.
PINES is the public library automation and lending network for more than 275 libraries and affiliated service outlets in almost 140 countries, has created a statewide “borderless library” that provides equal access to information for all Georgians. The PINES shared collection has 9.6 million books and other materials that can be delivered to a user’s home library free of charge. PINES aims to increase the availability of the books in the collections of Georgia’s public libraries to every citizen in the state and with NoveList Select, readers will be able to discover even more of the books in the state’s public libraries. The network uses the Evergreen open-source ILS which was originally developed by the Georgia Public Library Service in 2006. Today, Evergreen is used by more than 1000 libraries world-wide.
PINES Program Director Elizabeth McKinney believes NoveList Select will make it possible for people to discover new resources. “We are delighted to make NoveList Select available to Georgia’s public libraries. The resources available through this service will allow our patrons to integrate recommendations for GALILEO’s electronic resources into the PINES catalog. This will facilitate the discovery of materials available to our patrons that they may not have otherwise known about.”
For more information on NoveList Select, visit www.ebscohost.com/novelist/our-products/novelist-select.
About EBSCO Information Services
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is the leading provider of resources for libraries including EBSCONET®, EBSCO’s total e-resource management system, and EBSCOhost®, the world's premier for-fee online research service, including full-text databases, subject indexes, point-of-care medical reference, historical digital archives and e-books. EBSCO provides more than 375 research databases and more than 500,000 e-books plus subscription management services for more than 360,000 unique titles including more than 57,000 online titles. Through a library of tens of thousands of full-text journals and magazines from renowned publishers, EBSCO serves the content needs of all researchers (Academic, Medical, K-12, Public Library, Corporate, Government, etc.). EBSCO is also the provider of EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS), which provides each institution with a fast, single search box for its entire collection, offering deeper indexing and more full-text searching of journals and magazines than any other discovery service. For more information, visit the EBSCO Web site at: www.ebsco.com. EBSCO is a division of EBSCO Industries Inc., one of the largest privately held companies in the United States.
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Kathleen McEvoy
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