IPSWICH, Mass. — August 31, 2022 — MOBIUS has announced that it has selected and will be implementing EBSCO FOLIO from EBSCO Information Services as its new library services platform as well as ReShare Returnables from Project ReShare as its new resource sharing system. These two new systems will replace Innovative Interfaces’ Sierra and INN-Reach systems. MOBIUS will begin the migration process in late 2022 with plans to be fully operational by the spring of 2024.
Both EBSCO FOLIO and ReShare Returnables are truly modern systems based on the way today’s libraries work. FOLIO is a community driven, open source platform that supports traditional library operations just like a traditional integrated library system (ILS) and positions MOBIUS for greater community collaboration around knowledge management. FOLIO was launched in 2016 and it was designed to encourage innovation. EBSCO FOLIO provides hosting and service support from EBSCO Information Services as part of EBSCO FOLIO Services.
Executive Director of MOBIUS, Donna Bacon, says FOLIO and ReShare Returnables represent an opportunity for MOBIUS members to move to open source resources with expert support. “Being part of an open-source community for our first library services platform is a significant move forward that will streamline processes, manage resources and leverage modern technologies. We are eager to collaborate with the FOLIO and Project ReShare communities and hope to contribute to both projects' future developments and to work with our longtime partner EBSCO Information Services to host and implement FOLIO for the consortium.”
Project ReShare is a user-centered, community-owned resource sharing platform that will allow for the connection of disparate ILS platforms. MOBIUS has been an active, contributing member of the ReShare community since December of 2020. Adopting ReShare Returnables allows other libraries on disparate ILS systems to join MOBIUS. MOBIUS believes that ReShare Returnables offers more flexible opportunities to include a wider variety of platforms as the consortium continues to grow and evolve.
Sixty-one academic libraries will share the FOLIO system through MOBIUS. These libraries will connect to partner libraries using ReShare Returnables for resource sharing. MOBIUS has partner libraries in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. Membership includes 65 academic libraries, 11 public libraries, three special libraries and the Missouri State Library.
Since its founding in July 1998, MOBIUS has transformed library services for the citizens of Missouri. Formerly a part of the University of Missouri System, on July 1, 2010 MOBIUS became a Missouri not-for-profit corporation with 501 (C)(3) tax-exempt status. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of its members, the organization has grown from 50 founding charter members to 80 members which include 64 academic libraries, 11 public libraries, 4 special libraries, and the Missouri State Library, serving more than 230 physical branches.
The consortium’s purpose is to share library materials, information, and services using accessible, cost effective methods. It is their goal to create equal access to materials and information for all of their users. Today, the MOBIUS Union Catalog has expanded to include more than 29 million items, serving users in Missouri and into Oklahoma, Iowa, Kansas, Arkansas and Texas. A courier service delivers library materials to member libraries across Missouri and Iowa and connects to libraries via the CLiC (Colorado) and TransAmigos courier networks.
About EBSCO Information Services EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is the preeminent provider of online research content and search technologies serving academic, school and public libraries; healthcare and medical institutions; corporations; and government agencies around the world. From research, acquisition management, subscription services and discovery to clinical decision support and patient care, learning, and research and development, EBSCO provides institutions with access to content and resources to serve the information and workflow needs of their users and organizations. For more information, visit the EBSCO website at:www.ebsco.com.
For more information, please contact:
Kathleen McEvoy
Vice President of Communications
Donna Bacon
Executive Director of MOBIUS