Core Collections includes many resources to help you build your collection.
All titles in Core Collections are chosen with guidance from review sources by librarians with expertise in their fields. The experts highlight materials that build a well-rounded collection, which includes many viewpoints and opinions. This helps librarians fulfill the core mission of the library.
Recommendation levels help you prioritize books for purchase and spend your money wisely. Articles and reviews help you better understand why a title might be appropriate for your community and when you can pass, even on a "recommended" title. Upload your local collection to easily see what "essential" titles your library already owns, and create a search to be notified when "supplemental" titles that fill a specific interest of your community are added.
Building a micro-collection? Core Collections includes NoveList subject and genre headings, making it easier to create a search for exactly the kinds of books your library needs to add to assist a homeschooling group, local business initiative, or a changing demographic.
Core Collections includes professional materials on building and managing your collections that your staff can rely on.