ILS Integration Options
EBSCO technologies integrate with all major integrated library system (ILS) vendors worldwide. Together, we develop library management and discovery solutions that save you time and give you more choice. Integration options vary by system and include APIs and electronic data interchange (EDI) for tools such as EBSCO Discovery Service, GOBI, EBSCONET and Stacks.
![koha logo](/sites/default/files/acquiadam-assets/koha-logo-220.png)
![sirsidynix logo](/sites/default/files/acquiadam-assets/sirsidynix-logo-220.png)
![oclc logo](/sites/default/files/acquiadam-assets/oclc-logo-220.png)
- Access-It Software Ltd
- Alist
- Archimed
- aStec
- Aurora Information Technology
- AutoGraphics
- Baratz / Absys
- Bookhouse Culture & Science Tech Corp
- ByWater (US Koha)
- Capita / Prism (old Talis ILS)
- Catalyst IT
- Civica Pt Limited
- Concord Australia
- Deep Web Technologies
- eReserve
- ExLibris
- Fujitsu
- Futurenuri Inc.
- GBV Gemeinsamer Bibliotheksverbund
- Hyweb
- INEK Inc.
- Infor
- Innovative Interfaces
- Interleaf (Koha)
- IS Oxford Ltd (Heritage)
- Janium
- Jiangsu Huiwen Software
- Knowledge E DMCC
- L.A Information Technology Inc.
- Kyocera Communications Systems
- Max Elektronik (Sygnity / Prolib)
- Mirtech Inc.
- Monguz
- Primasoft Informatica Ltda (SophiA)
- Prosentient Systems (Koha)
- PTFS Europe
- Scanbit
- Shou Yang Digital Technology Co., Ltd
- SirsiDynix
- Softlink International Ltd
- Soutron Limited
- TechKnowledge FZ LLC
- Tind
- TLC The Library Corporation
- UNIBIS d.o.o
- Yordam