Fortune Magazine Archive
Fortune Magazine Archive presents an extensive collection of the long-running business magazine dating from its very first issue in February 1930 through December 2000 in a comprehensive cover-to-cover format.
Published monthly by Time Inc., Fortune Magazine sought to provide news and analysis of both American and, later, international business, economics, technology, and industry. Each issue featured vivid color illustrations and photographs, as well as high-quality feature articles, published at a time when most business magazines were merely black and white compendiums of statistics and figures.
Articles and cover pages are fully indexed and advertisements are individually identified, ensuring researchers and readers can quickly and accurately locate the information they seek. Fortune Magazine Archive is valuable to researchers of 20th-Century current events, politics and culture, as well as those interested in the history of business, advertising, and popular culture.
Subjects Covered:
- American business
- International business
- Economics
- Industry
- Technology