An Unparalleled Video Platform for Clinical and Counseling Psychology

APA PsycTherapy is a streaming video database of therapy demonstrations with hundreds of videos showing various treatment approaches. APA PsycTherapy is intended for educational purposes, specifically in clinical training and counselor education, and provides clinicians, counselors, and trainees the opportunity to observe candid psychotherapy videos featuring known therapists.

This proven counseling training method is an invaluable tool to remain abreast of the latest psychotherapy techniques. Therapists cover more than 150 approaches, such as integrated behavioral healthcare, cognitive behavior therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy. All therapy demonstrations in APA PsycTherapy are unscripted and were taped within the past ten years.

Key Benefits

  • Therapeutic approaches addressing a wide range of psychotherapy topics
  • Proven methods showcasing common obstacles faced during therapy sessions
  • Helpful tools that allow users to create playlists and share video clips
  • Expertly tagged metadata for easy navigation to specific therapeutic techniques
  • Synchronized transcripts which allow users to search for precise moments in therapy

Start a free trial to access this growing repository of therapy videos used to train the next generation of clinicians and counselors.