Active Full-Text, Non-Open Access Journal Retail Value (USD)
Business Source Ultimate: $1,166,967.75
Business Source Complete: $889,616.35
Business Source Premier: $649,775.19
Business Source Elite: $314,029.43

Business Source Ultimate offers access to 3,655 active full-text journals, including many peer-reviewed publications. It spans various business topics, from current trends to historical information and global perspectives. It provides researchers with essential business journals such as Harvard Business Review, Fortune, and MIS Quarterly, plus business videos from top providers. With a total journal retail value of $1,166,967.75, it is the largest database within the Business Source family.

Active Full Text for FT50 Journals

The Financial Times publishes a yearly ranking of business schools that offer MBA, EMBA, and online MBA programs. These rankings include a research score, which is based on the number of faculty publications published in 50 academic and practitioner journals, known as the FT50 journal list. Here is how Business Source Ultimate compares to ABI/INFORM Collection across the FT50 journal list:  

Active Full Text
in Neither
in Both
Unique to ABI
(Not in BSU)
Unique to BSU
(Not in ABI)
11 4 1 34

Strengthen Exposure to Open Access Journals

Business Source Ultimate includes rigorous curation and indexing of open access (OA) journals, which has resulted in a growing collection of 1,976 active global OA journals. Once validated and certified for inclusion, these OA journals are treated with high-quality subject indexing and sophisticated, precise/accurate full-text linking.  

NOTE: EBSCOhost databases and EBSCO Discovery Service generate a lot more referrals for DOAJ than any other online platform.

The World's Highest-Quality Business Research Database — Includes Expanding International Content 

Active Full-Text Journals by Country/Region
Australia & New Zealand
Central & Eastern Europe
China, Hong Kong & Taiwan
French-Speaking Europe
German-Speaking Europe
Italy & Italian Switzerland
Latin America & the Caribbean
Middle East & North Africa
Netherlands & Flanders
Nordic Countries
South Asia & Southeast Asia
Sub-Saharan Africa
United Kingdom & Ireland
United States
Australia & New Zealand: 78
Canada: 75
Central & Eastern Europe: 280
China, Hong Kong & Taiwan: 53
French-Speaking Europe: 172
German-Speaking Europe: 380
Italy & Italian Switzerland: 32
Japan: 52
Korea: 10
Latin America & the Caribbean: 156
Middle East & North Africa: 217
Netherlands & Flanders: 35
Nordic Countries: 23
South Asia & Southeast Asia: 304
Spain: 46
Sub-Saharan Africa: 60
United Kingdom & Ireland: 632
United States: 1,004
Australia & New Zealand: 33
Canada: 26
Central & Eastern Europe: 117
China, Hong Kong & Taiwan: 14
French-Speaking Europe: 38
German-Speaking Europe: 137
Italy & Italian Switzerland: 6
Japan: 6
Korea: 4
Latin America & the Caribbean: 61
Middle East & North Africa: 45
Netherlands & Flanders: 18
Nordic Countries: 11
South Asia & Southeast Asia: 74
Spain: 13
Sub-Saharan Africa: 9
United Kingdom & Ireland: 476
United States: 709
Australia & New Zealand: 13
Canada: 14
Central & Eastern Europe: 32
China, Hong Kong & Taiwan: 3
French-Speaking Europe: 12
German-Speaking Europe: 49
Italy & Italian Switzerland: 3
Japan: 0
Korea: 1
Latin America & the Caribbean: 11
Middle East & North Africa: 12
Netherlands & Flanders: 14
Nordic Countries: 2
South Asia & Southeast Asia: 53
Spain: 2
Sub-Saharan Africa: 4
United Kingdom & Ireland: 325
United States: 466
Australia & New Zealand: 6
Canada: 3
Central & Eastern Europe: 6
China, Hong Kong & Taiwan: 1
French-Speaking Europe: 5
German-Speaking Europe: 18
Italy & Italian Switzerland: 1
Japan: 0
Korea: 1
Latin America & the Caribbean: 3
Middle East & North Africa: 3
Netherlands & Flanders: 6
Nordic Countries: 0
South Asia & Southeast Asia: 41
Spain: 1
Sub-Saharan Africa: 2
United Kingdom & Ireland: 146
United States: 249

The Most Comprehensive Non-Journal Content of Any Business Research Database

Full-Text Non-Journal Content
Case Studies – Business
Company Profiles / Information Records
Conference Papers / Proceedings Collections
Country Economic Reports
Industry Reports
Interviews – Business (Executive & Analyst)
Market Research Reports
SWOT Analyses
Videos - Associated Press
Videos – Business & Economics
Videos – Academy of Management
Working Papers – Business
Case Studies – Business: 14,842
Company Profiles / Information Records: 1,178,600+
Conference Papers / Proceedings Collections: 148
Country Economic Reports: 1,194
Industry Reports: 14,808
Interviews – Business (Executive & Analyst): 12,141
Market Research Reports: 2,410
SWOT Analyses: 5,671
Videos - Associated Press: 75,000+
Videos – Business & Economics: 66,000+
Videos – Academy of Management: 111
Working Papers – Business: 10,167

Business Video Collections

With three important video collections, Business Source Ultimate offers researchers a variety of ways to gather unique content to supplement information found in journal articles. Students can access the new collection of 111 videos from Academy of Management plus thousands of Business & Economics videos as well as relevant videos from the Associated Press.


Business Source Ultimate helps students find academic business journal articles more quickly than other products and provides our best access to Harvard Business Review.

Business Librarian, University in California

See what other librarians are saying about Business Source Ultimate.

Ahead of Print

Business Source Ultimate includes Ahead of Print content for relevant titles from key publishers.  

Searchable Cited References

Business Source Ultimate includes 1,309 journals with searchable cited references.

The Highest Quality Subject Indexing 

EBSCO has the premier and most highly regarded scholarly vocabularies curated by subject matter experts, covering all disciplines and major publishers. 

EBSCO believes in breaking down barriers to information through Enhanced Subject Precision (ESP) mapping, bridging the gap between content and end users through inclusion of natural languages.   

EBSCO databases support all learning types through textual and visual subject browse and information literacy training through subject access points in more than 30 languages. Watch video to learn more.

Business Source Ultimate includes 4,499 active indexed and abstracted journals. 3,346 of them are peer-reviewed.