Features Include:

  • Non-evaluative English (and French) abstracts of scholarly articles
  • All abstracts published since International Political Science Abstracts, Volume One (1951)
  • Indexing of book reviews published in the major scholarly journals
  • Indexing of edited works, including chapters and authors – a novel resource found only in International Political Science Abstracts
  • Trends in Political Science Research – full-text articles written by leading political scientists from around the world to highlight up-and-coming research within the field

IPSA is an indispensable tool for work in the fields of political science, political sociology, political psychology, political communications, international relations, international law, human rights, conflict studies, ethnic studies and related fields.

Global Scope

A unique global resource, IPSA provides rapid access to scholarly publications from every region of the world, featuring English (and French) abstracts for journals published in languages from Arabic to Urdu, including journals published in Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Russian, Germany, Spanish and all the Nordic languages.

Links to Full Text

IPSA complements Academic Search Ultimate and Political Science Complete, and searchers can link to hundreds of full-text titles in those databases from the result list. 

Subjects Include

  • Political method and theory
  • Political thinkers and ideas
  • Governmental and administrative institutions
  • Political process
  • Parties
  • Elections
  • International relations
  • Foreign policy

I welcome International Political Science Abstracts' introduction of the innovative Trends in Political Science. This new feature should enhance an already strong journal, and its engagement with developing ideas and political controversies.

Dianne Pinderhughes, Notre Dame Presidential Faculty Fellow, and the Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, C.S.C. Professor of Africana Studies and Political Science