Petroleum Research and Related Studies

Petroleum Source allows researchers to explore the technological trends and related scientific knowledge surrounding the world of petroleum products and their global impact.

A Valuable Full-Text Journal Database

Petroleum Source includes full text for many of the most used journals in the discipline. The active full-text, non-open access journal retail value (USD) is $94,051.

Non-Journal Content  

Petroleum Source also includes essential content beyond journals and magazines that cover the petroleum industry and related fields.

  • 236 Company Profiles
  • 152 Industry Reports
  • 66 SWOT Analyses
  • 100 E-Books (Companion Collection)

See the full title list of non-journal sources.

Unique Full-Text Journals

Petroleum Source includes 72 active full-text journals not available in any version of Academic Search.

The Highest Quality Subject Indexing 

EBSCO has the premier and most highly regarded scholarly vocabularies curated by subject matter experts, covering all disciplines and major publishers. 

EBSCO believes in breaking down barriers to information through Enhanced Subject Precision (ESP) mapping, bridging the gap between content and end users through inclusion of natural languages.   

EBSCO databases support all learning types through textual and visual subject browse and information literacy training through subject access points in more than 30 languages. Watch video to learn more.

Subjects Include:

  • Alternate fuels and energy fuels
  • Coal
  • Drilling
  • Gas
  • Health, safety and environment
  • Hydrocarbon
  • Methane
  • Oil
  • Petroleum
  • Pipelines
  • Reservoir engineering and recovery methods
  • Shipping and storage
  • Well completion and servicing