RIPM Preservation Series: European & North American Music Periodicals
This database is a unique collection of primary source music periodicals not covered in RIPM Retrospective Index with Full Text. This new collection is international in scope and not available in any other online resource or in any library.
Unique and Rare Full-Text Music Periodicals
RIPM Preservation Series: European & North American Music Periodicals includes rare full-text titles with complete runs often reconstructed by RIPM. Titles include journals dealing with musical life in world capitals including:
- Amsterdam
- Barcelona
- Berlin
- Bilbao
- Brussels
- Budapest
- Lisbon
- Madrid
- Milan
- New York
- Prague
- Paris
- St. Petersburg
- Warsaw
It includes early musicology periodicals and several monumental journals including:
- Musical America until 1922
- Le Guide musical (Brussels, 1855-1919)
- Neue Berliner Musikzeitung (Berlin, 1847-1896)
Future titles will include those focusing on instruments, genres, musicology's early periodicals and music education, and others combining both musical and nonmusical content.