Rice and the food industry
Rice, scientifically known as Oryza sativa, is a staple food crop that plays a crucial role in the global food industry. With world production exceeding 500 million metric tons, rice is primarily cultivated for domestic consumption, with less than 5% entering the export market. However, the United States stands out as a notable exporter, contributing nearly half of its domestic production to global markets despite only producing 2% of the world's rice. Cultivated varieties are mainly classified into indica and japonica, each thriving in different climatic conditions, with indica suited for monsoon tropics and japonica requiring more controlled environments.
Rice is rich in carbohydrates and provides essential nutrients, including proteins and vitamins. It undergoes processing from rough rice, also known as paddy, to polished grain, which is most commonly consumed. Beyond culinary uses, rice has diverse applications, including in breakfast cereals, rice flour for baking, and even industrial products like laundry starch. Additionally, traditional beverages like sake are derived from rice fermentation. The development of high-yield varieties has been pivotal in enhancing rice production, contributing significantly to agricultural advancements during the Green Revolution. This versatile crop supports various aspects of food security and economic stability, reflecting its importance across cultures and regions.
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Rice and the food industry
Rice is the most commonly consumed food grain for a majority of the world’s population. Leading producers are Japan, China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Bangladesh. In the United States, rice is grown in California, Texas, Missouri, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas.
The rice plant, Oryza sativa, is a member of the grass family. World production of rice exceeds 500 million metric tons. Most countries cultivate rice for domestic consumption, so less than 5 percent enters the export market. The United States is an exception; it generates only about 2 percent of world rice production, but almost half of US production is exported. Rice cultivation almost certainly began in India, where it dates back to about 3000 BCE. During medieval times, it spread westward to southern Europe.
Oryza sativa has been classified into indica and japonica varieties. Monsoon tropics are ideal for indica rice, which is commonly cultivated in China and Southeast Asia. The plants can adapt to uncertain conditions. The japonica type of rice requires precise water control as well as weed and insect control. It is cultivated in temperate zones such as the United States, Australia, Japan, North and South Korea, and certain parts of China.
Rice is self-pollinated, and the grain is enclosed in the palea, or hull. Harvested but unmilled rice is called paddy or rough rice. Milling of rough rice by any of several processes yields the polished grain that is ready for consumption. Rough rice contains approximately 10 percent protein, 65 percent starch, 2 percent lipids, 5 percent minerals, and 18 percent hull/bran. The unhulled whole rice kernel also contains thiamine, niacin, and riboflavin. Parboiled rice can be stored for long periods.
The International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines has contributed significantly to the development of high-yielding types of rice, beginning in the mid-1960s. The development of these plants is considered a significant part of the 1960s Green Revolution in agriculture. Some of these varieties demand complete irrigation systems all year round that help keep the soil submerged under about 15 centimeters of water.
Next to corn, rice provides the farmer with the greatest yield when plants are cultivated with the necessary care. The crop grows well in irrigated and flooded areas. Cooked rice is mostly consumed in its whole grain form. Puffed rice and flaked rice are common breakfast cereals, and rice flour is used in bakery products. Laundry starch is made from rice starch. Rice hull is used in cattle feed as well as fertilizers, and the rice plant also produces oil for food and industry and thatching material for roofs and mats. The Japanese alcoholic beverage sake is made from a process that involves the fermentation of rice.
The plant commonly known as “wild rice,” Zizania aquatica, is actually a separate genus found in North America. Wild rice is also an annual grass, and it grows mostly in lakes and streams. Lakes in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and southern Canada provide a good harvest of wild rice. Wild rice, once a staple of the diet of American Indians in those regions, has become a popular side dish.
Anderson, Kara. "Rice and the Climate Crisis: How Do They Relate?" Greenly, 29 May 2023, greenly.earth/en-us/blog/ecology-news/rice-and-the-climate-crisis--how-do-they-relate. Accessed 6 Jan. 2025.
Edmond, Charlotte. "Rice Is Both a Victim and a Villain in Terms of the Climate Crisis. Here's Why." World Economic Forum, 6 June 2023, www.weforum.org/stories/2023/06/rice-climate-crisis-food-security/. Accessed 6 Jan. 2025.
"Rice Sector at a Glance." US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, 27 Sept. 2023, www.ers.usda.gov/topics/crops/rice/rice-sector-at-a-glance/. Accessed 6 Jan. 2025.