Captain Video (TV)

Identification Television show for children

Date Aired from 1949 to 1955

Captain Video was the first science-fiction show on television and featured television’s first space hero.

Captain Video and His Video Rangers was the first and longest-running science-fiction program on television. Created and produced by a DuMont network vice president, the pioneering program was broadcast live as a continuing serial six nights a week, using developing technology to give the illusion of time and space travel. The title character was a technological wizard living in the year 2254. Captain Video’s mission was to maintain world safety by battling a variety of space aliens and enemies using such futuristic wonders as the Opticon Scillometer, an X-ray machine that saw through walls, and a paralyzing Cosmic Ray Vibrator. Operating from secret headquarters and overseeing a network of video rangers, Captain Video also invited children to imagine themselves as rangers, sending special civic-minded messages for would-be rangers between breaks in the drama and offering Captain Video merchandise.



The success of Captain Video inspired numerous subsequent science-fiction programs on television and fit in well with the public’s fascination with Cold War space exploration, science, and struggles between good and bad forces.


Bianculli, David. Dictionary of Teleliteracy: Television’s Five Hundred Biggest Hits, Misses, and Events. New York: Continuum Publishing, 1996. Gives a breezily written article on Captain Video that includes fun facts and offbeat information.

Javna, John. The Best of Science Fiction TV: The Critics’ Choice: From “Captain Video” to “Star Trek,” from “The Jetsons” to “Robotech.” New York: Harmony Books, 1987. Discusses Captain Video as the founder of an important television genre; places it within the context of a golden age of television space shows.

Lucanio, Patrick, and Gary Coville. American Science Fiction Television Series of the 1950’s: Episode Guides and Casts and Credits for Twenty Shows. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1998. Article on Captain Video details characters, technical innovations, cast, directors, writers, critical commentary, and coverage of individual episodes.