Aaron Allston


  • Born: December 8, 1960
  • Birthplace: Corsicana, Texas


Aaron Allston was born in Corsicana, Texas, in 1960. He briefly majored in journalism at the University of Texas, Austin. For one year, he worked for a local newspaper, the Austin American Statesman. His career as a writer and editor began in earnest when he was hired by Steve Jackson as the circulation manager of Space Gamer magazine in 1980. During the two years that followed, Allston was an assistant editor and editor of the magazine, and he also designed his own video games as a freelancer. In 1983, Allston began working full time as a freelance game designer, primarily for the companies Hero Games and TSR.


Allston’s first novel, Web of Danger, was published by TSR in 1988. After several years of self-described burnout, Allston’s second novel was published in 1993. Over the course of several years, Allston moved from game design to fiction writing as a full time career. He began writing novels for the Star Wars X-Wing series on the recommendation of the series’ previous author, Mike Stackpole. Allston retooled several of Stackpole’s characters and created some of his own. He believes the appeal of the X-Wing series is that it functions as escapism while also serving as a modern mythology.

In addition to his novels, Allston has created numerous video games and video game supplements. Some of his products are included in the Dungeons and Dragons game series. He has won several awards for his games, including the H. G. Wells Award for Best Professional Role-Playing Magazine and Game Player magazine’s Best PC Fantasy-Role-Playing Game (1990). In addition, he was nominated for induction into the Adventure Gaming Hall of Fame in 1990.