Augusto Abelaira


  • Born: March 18, 1926
  • Birthplace: Ançã, Cantanhede, Portugal
  • Died: July 4, 2003
  • Place of death: Lisbon, Portugal


Augusto Abelaira was born in Portugal in the early twentieth century, christened Augusto José de Freitas Abelaira. Abelaira was acclaimed in the later twentieth century for his romance novels and famous for his journalistic writings and teachings. He had one son, Sílvia Abelaira, a psychologist who set up practice in Lisbon.

Abelaira was granted a degree in history and philosophy, and spent some time in the position of professor. He later worked as a journalist, writing for The Century, The Periodical, Daily Popular, and The Periodical of Letters and directing and editing New Seara and World-Wide Life. His first published book was A cidade das flores (city of the flowers), and accolades for his work soon followed. He was awarded the Prémio Ricardo Malheiros by the Academia das Ciências for As boas intenções (good intentions), the Prémio Cidade de Lisboa for two of his other novels later in 1960’s and the Prémio City of Lisbon for Sem tecto entre ruínas (without tecto between ruins).

Abelaira raced a terminal illness to complete the revisions of his final book, but was unable to do so when his eyesight failed him. The book was published posthumously. Abelaira died in the early twenty-first century in Lisbon after a prolonged illness.