John Grass

  • Born: c. 1837
  • Birthplace: Unknown
  • Died: May 10, 1918
  • Place of death: Standing Rock Reservation, North Dakota

Category: Tribal leader, diplomat

Tribal affiliation: Teton Sioux

Significance: John Grass was a diplomat and political leader of the Sioux in their long struggle against the United States

John Grass’s English name came from the Dakota “Pezi,” meaning “field of grass”; he also was sometimes called Mato Watakpe (Charging Bear). He was a son of Grass, a Sioux leader of the early nineteenth century. He spoke a number of Dakota dialects as well as English, so he was one of few people in the Dakotas who could communicate with nearly everyone else.


In an attempt to break Sitting Bull’s influence over the Sioux, Indian Agent Major James (“White Hair”) McLaughlin set up Grass, Gall, and other Sioux as rival chiefs to Sitting Bull after the latter had surrendered in 1881. Over the objections of Sitting Bull, Grass signed an agreement in 1889 which broke up the Great Sioux Reservation. He probably was bowing to threats by McLaughlin that the U.S. government would take the land with or without Sioux consent. Even after the land was signed over, the government reduced the food allotments on northern Plains reservations, intensifying the poverty and suffering that helped increase tensions just before the massacre at Wounded Knee in 1890.

For more than three decades, Grass served as head judge in the Court of Indian Offenses of the Standing Rock Reservation. He died at Standing Rock in 1918.