Martin H. Greenberg


  • Born: March 1, 1941
  • Birthplace: Miami Beach, Florida
  • Died: June 25, 2011


Martin H. Greenberg was born in Miami Beach, Florida, in 1941. He earned his doctoral degree in political science in 1969 from the University of Connecticut. He was a National Science Foundation fellow in 1968 and 1969. Greenberg became a professor at the University of Wisconsin, where he remained from 1969 to 1972. After 1972, Greenberg served as a member of the faculty at the Florida International University in Miami, where he was professor and chairman of the department of international relations. Greenberg also held the position of CEO for Tekno Books, a division of the Web site He also copublished the leading trade magazine of the mystery genre, Mystery Scene. Over the years Greenberg married twice, and he had two daughters.

Greenberg is best known for the many literary anthologies he compiled and edited, beginning with Popular Science Fiction in 1974. He went on to publish hundreds of literary anthologies that cover many genres, from science fiction to children’s literature to literary nonfiction. He also collaborated on numerous novels, including five with Tom Clancy, among other writers. He cofounded the H. G. Wells Award for science fiction and was affiliated with a number of political-science and science-fiction organizations.

During his career, Greenberg was the guest of honor at the 1991 World Science Fiction Convention, and he was also the guest of honor at the World Fantasy Convention. He won the Milford Award for lifetime achievement in science-fiction editing in 1989. In 1995 he received the Ellery Queen Award for lifetime achievement in mystery editing.