
  • Born: c. 1600
  • Birthplace: Unknown
  • Died: September 1, 1643
  • Place of death: Unknown

Tribal affiliation: Narragansett

Significance: Miantonomo attempted to build an anticolonial alliance

A nephew of Chief Canonicus, Miantonomo became the Narragansetts’ principal chief about 1632. He maintained alliances with the colonists of Massachusetts Bay and with Roger Williams’ new colony at Providence Plantations, later Rhode Island, begun in 1635 with Narragansett aid. Miantonomo even attended church with some of the colonists.

Despite these signs of friendship, Miantonomo was suspected of provoking Indian hostility toward the New England colonies, largely because of statements by Uncas, the founder of the Mohegan tribe who made a specialty of betraying “hostile” Indians to the Puritan authorities. In 1642, Miantonomo was imprisoned briefly by the Puritans, who scolded and then released him. After that incident, Miantonomo attempted to build an anticolonial alliance. When word of the attempt got to Uncas, he turned Miantonomo over to the English, who sentenced him to die at the hands of Uncas’ brother Wawequa in September, 1643.