Michele Prisco


  • Born: January 18, 1920
  • Birthplace: Torre Annunziata, Italy
  • Died: November 19, 2003
  • Place of death: Naples, Italy


Michele Prisco was born on January 18, 1920, in Torre Annunziata, Italy, the youngest of eleven children born to Salvatore and Annamaria Prisco. Captivated by writing at an early age, he nonetheless followed family tradition and studied law at the University of Naples, graduating with a law degree in 1942. His first short story was published that year in the journal Lettura. From 1942 to 1943, Prisco served in the Reserve Officers Military School and wrote for newspapers and journals. He published his first collection of short stories, La provincia addormentata, in 1949, and with that publication began to fulfill the goal he stated in his journal at the age of sixteen: to show people the depths of their psyches and by so doing, hopefully, teach them to do less ill to other people. La provincia addormentata established Prisco’s characteristic setting for his works, the province of Naples and the nearby towns, and his characteristic exploration of the dark sides of the human mind and soul.


Taking as his models such traditional novel writers as Gustave Flaubert and Katherine Mansfield, Prisco next turned his attention to novel writing, the genre in which he has written the majority of his fiction. His first novel was Gli eredi del vento (1950; Heirs of the Wind, 1953), and he has since written a number of other novels, including Il pellicano di pietra, published in 1996. On October 6, 1951, Prisco married Sarah Buonomo, and the couple had two daughters, Annella and Caterina.

Prisco received the Prize Venezia in 1950 and in 1966 was awarded the Prize Strega for Una spirale di nebbia (1966; A Spiral in the Mist, 1969). Prisco’s significance lies in his unflinching exploration of middle-class motives and mores, destructive impulses and emotions, and the nature of evil.