Business and government: Research Starters Topic

Business and government: Research Starters Topic

The business community in the United States is more vibrant than ever. The rise in the Internet and new technologies has spawned a generation of young businesses. In addition, mergers and corporate takeovers have created multinational corporations, some with a greater net worth than the economies of entire countries. Through all of this growth, a web of legislation and government regulations has been created to monitor and regulate almost every aspect of the lives of businesses. These laws serve to facilitate, and at times restrain, healthy business development and competition. The following Research Starter articles include the most relevant Research Starter items pertaining to the relationship between business and government.

Business in the Global Political Environment


Elections and Economic Growth

Elections, Unemployment and Inflation

Government spending

Governmental Accounting

National Elections and Business Cycles

Nations, Politics and Markets

Business and public policy: Research Starters Topic

Business law: Research Starters Topic