Morality in Media

Founded: 1962

Type of organization: National interdenominational religious group opposed to dissemination of pornography

Significance: This body has worked to inform the public and government officials about the destructive effects of pornography and the extent of the trafficking of obscenity

Founded by Father Morton A. Hill and originally called Operation Yorkville, Morality in Media holds that there is a direct correlation between the use of pornography and violent and sexual crimes. It has worked to eliminate illegal traffic in hardcore pornography by encouraging vigorous enforcement of state and federal obscenity laws. It has also worked to maintain standards of decency on television.

A major project of Morality in Media is the National Obscenity Law Center, a research office of legal information on obscenity cases. The group also sponsors the annual White Ribbon Against Pornography Campaign (WRAP) and an annual Turn Off TV Day. In addition to the group’s bimonthly newsletter, its Law Center publishes the bimonthly Obscenity Law Bulletin.

Morality in Media maintains that it does not believe or promote censorship. Censorship is described by the group as prior restraint by government. The organization believes that those who traffic in obscenity should be responsible before the law.