National Coalition Against Censorship

  • FOUNDED: 1974
  • TYPE OF ORGANIZATION: Federation of American anti-censorship organizations

SIGNIFICANCE: The NCAC has promoted and defended First Amendment rights on both national and local levels

The NCAC is a loose association of nearly sixty national, nonprofit organizations that have a stake in First Amendment rights. Some of the participating organizations are the American Jewish Congress, the American Library Association, Planned Parenthood of America, and the Screen Actors Guild. The NCAC works for this wide array of organizations as their anti-censorship program. The organizations involved either do not have an anti-censorship program of their own or they work with and contribute to the NCAC as part of their First Amendment activities.

The NCAC works toward disseminating information about current censorship practices in the United States. It runs education programs for its participating organizations on how to deal with censorship. It publishes a quarterly newsletter, Censorship News, as well as Books in Trouble, a summary of book banning controversies, which is published as a part of NCAC’s special program on countering censorship in schools and libraries. The NCAC also runs the crowdsource database of censorship cases concerning culture and the arts, Censorpedia. The NCAC helps to organize state and local coalitions against censorship and sponsors meetings and conferences for discussion of current First Amendment issues. It monitors legislation with First Amendment ramifications. The NCAC compiles information packets on First Amendment issues including creationism, feminism, women and pornography, government secrecy, Black literature, and educational material selection guidelines. Its primary programs include the Kids’ Right to Read Project, the Youth Free Expression Program, the Free Expression Network, and the Arts & Culture Advocacy Program.


"About Us." National Coalition Against Censorship, Accessed 20 Oct. 2024.

"The Coalition." National Coalition Against Censorship, Accessed 20 Oct. 2024.

Eastman, Cari Lee Skogberg. Free Speech and Censorship. ABC-CLIO, LLC., 2022.

"National Coalition against Censorship." Free Speech Center, 2 July 2024, Accessed 20 Oct. 2024.