Guided imagery

DEFINITION: A therapy involving the use of imagined scenes and activities to influence the body.

PRINCIPAL PROPOSED USES: Promote healing, relaxation, stress reduction

OTHER PROPOSED USES: Asthma, athletics, blood pressure, blood sugar control in diabetes, boost immunity, breast milk production, chemotherapy side effects, depression and anxiety, headaches, insomnia, pain, premenstrual syndrome, promote healing, surgery preparation, weight loss, various mental and emotional benefits


Guided imagery has been used since ancient times by the Greeks and Egyptians. Typically, a person uses imagery many times each day when anticipating events or activities. Some of the imagery is negative and causes worry. Through mental imagery, a person develops thoughts about who they are. Guided imagery channels this use of the mind to affect the body.

When initiating guided imagery, it helps to relax because doing so makes the body more receptive to mental images. Some people use guided imagery when they wake up in the morning and before they go to sleep at night. Guided imagery can be effective when practiced regularly, but it takes time to learn and to see its effects. It should be practiced a minimum of twice daily.

Guided imagery is sometimes referred to as visualization or affirmations. Both visualization and affirmations apply the same principles as guided imagery.

Mechanism of Action

Guided imagery uses the mind-body connection to change the body or its functioning. The mind already has a great deal of control over the body, and guided imagery can increase this control.

The brain does not “understand” words; rather, it understands only pictures or images, and these mental images must be repeatedly reviewed. With enough repetition, the brain and unconscious mind will attempt to make these images real. Positive imagery can trigger the release of brain chemicals, such as serotonin and endorphins, which are natural tranquilizers.

Guided imagery is more effective if all the senses form the images. For example, a runner imaging their performance in a race should imagine the smell of perspiration, feel the pain in the legs and chest, imagine the dryness of the mouth, see competitors through peripheral vision, see the finish line, feel sweat running down the neck, and hear feet beating the ground as they pull ahead and crosses the finish line first. One can then imagine the joy of winning the race and receiving a trophy or medal.

Uses and Applications

Guided imagery assists in relaxing the body, controlling some body functions, and increasing the effectiveness of performance. It can be used to treat depression, anxiety, cancer, the side effects of chemotherapy, pain, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, insomnia, headaches, wounds, premenstrual syndrome, asthma, spastic colon, and low white-blood-cell counts. Guided imagery can be used for physical benefits, such as relieving pain and improving athletic performance. It can also provide many emotional and mental benefits, including improving mood, reducing anxiety, promoting clarity, boosting self-esteem, and helping with coping skills. 

Scientific Evidence

Much research has been conducted to determine the effectiveness of guided imagery. Many of the studies examined guided imagery as a Complementary and Alternative Medicine therapy for healing, reducing the side effects of drugs, or initiating personal change. In general, however, the effectiveness of guided imagery depends on the efforts of the individual person and cannot be controlled or measured accurately.

One study of women with breast cancer demonstrated such questionable results. The study, performed by the Oregon Health and Science University in 2002, looked at twenty-five women with either stage one or stage two breast cancer. They were taught guided imagery to see the natural killer cells of their immune system destroying the cancer cells. The initial session was taped; participants were asked to practice at home with the tape three times per week for eight weeks. Their immune function and emotional state were measured three times: before the study began, at the end of eight weeks, and three months after the study ended. Participants reported being less depressed. The measure of their immune system demonstrated higher levels of natural killer cells but no change in the physical effects of the killer cells.

Choosing a Practitioner

Guided imagery can be done without a practitioner. Recorded audio is available to provide guided imagery coaching that can be listened to on any mobile device. Podcasts and specific mobile applications can provide a wealth of information on guided imagery. Good books describe the process and include scripts for guided imagery. A mental health counselor or a physician can provide coaching in guided imagery, and trained guided imagery counselors can be consulted.

Safety Issues

There are no known safety issues with guided imagery. However, intense worrying can have negative physical and emotional effects.


"Guided Imagery: Using Your Imagination." In Stress Management for Life: A Research-Based Experiential Approach, edited by Michael Olpin and Margie Hesson. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2010.

"How Guided Imagery Helps You Relax." Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials, 28 Feb. 2022, Accessed 8 Sept. 2024.

Naparstek, Belleruth. Staying Well with Guided Imagery. New York: Grand Central, 1995.

Nunez, Kirsten. "The Benefits of Guided Imagery and How To Do It." HealthLine, 10 Sept. 2020, Accessed 8 Sept. 2024.

Rossman, Martin L. Guided Imagery for Self-Healing. 2d ed., Tiburon, Calif.: H. J. Kramer/New World Library, 2000.