Homeopathic remedies for influenza
Homeopathic remedies for influenza offer a complementary approach to managing flu symptoms, focusing on individualized treatment based on a person's specific symptoms. Influenza, or the flu, is a viral infection characterized by sudden onset, high fever, severe body aches, and respiratory issues, which can pose serious risks for vulnerable populations, including young children and the elderly. Two notable homeopathic remedies studied for flu treatment are Oscillococcinum and L52. Oscillococcinum, derived from duck liver and heart, has shown some promise in scientific trials, indicating quicker recovery from flu symptoms compared to placebo. L52, a combination of ten different homeopathic ingredients, remains popular in Europe, though its effectiveness for flu prevention has not been established.
Classical homeopathy emphasizes personalized treatment, wherein remedies like Gelsemium or Bryonia are selected based on the specific symptoms experienced by the patient. Although some traditional treatments, such as zinc and herbal teas, may offer symptomatic relief or immune support, they do not cure the flu. It's important to note that vaccination remains the most effective method for flu prevention, and individuals experiencing severe symptoms or complications should seek conventional medical care. Overall, while homeopathic remedies can provide supportive care, they should not replace standard medical advice or treatment for influenza.
Homeopathic remedies for influenza
DEFINITION: Homeopathic treatment of the illness caused by a viral infection.
STUDIED HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES: Oscillococcinum, L52 (a combination of Eupatorium perf., aconite, Bryonia, Amica, Gelsemium, China, belladonna, Drosera, Polygala, and eucalyptus)
Influenza, more commonly called the flu, is caused by three main types of viruses: type A, type B, and type C. Of the three, type A is the most common and the most potentially severe, type B is the second most common, and type C is relatively uncommon.
The symptoms of influenza are similar to those of the common cold but almost always more severe. The onset is usually sudden, with a fever up to 103° Fahrenheit (39° Celsius), severe exhaustion, and muscle and joint aches (especially in the back and legs). Symptoms also include a prominent headache, runny nose, sore throat, and cough. As the illness progresses, the muscle aches tend to get worse, and the cough becomes more prominent. Influenza also can lead to sensitivity to light, watery eyes, nausea, and vomiting. While the majority of these symptoms should abate in a few days to one week, the fatigue and weakness could linger. The body can also continue to sweat easily for weeks.
Although it is annoying to everyone who gets it, influenza can be dangerous for the very young and very old, women in the third trimester of pregnancy, and those with lung disease, heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, blood diseases (such as sickle cell anemia), or immunosuppression (as with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or leukemia). Flu can also worsen chronic respiratory illnesses such as asthma and bronchitis, possibly leading to hospitalization. Other possible complications include inflammation of the brain, heart, or nervous system. Homeopathic treatment should not be relied upon to prevent dangerous complications of influenza.
Scientific Evaluations of Homeopathic Remedies
Two widely used homeopathic flu remedies have been studied in scientific trials. Evidence is quite promising for the first remedy, Oscillococcinum, sometimes shortened to Oscillo.
Oscillococcinum. Oscillo is a widely available homeopathic treatment for flu. It is made from the heart and liver tissue of ducks. Thus, this remedy is much like a homeopathic nosode. Oscillo is of 200c (centesimal) potency, meaning that it is diluted to one part in 10400—an extremely high dilution.
A double-blind, placebo-controlled study involving nearly five hundred people found that participants who took Oscillo recovered faster from the flu than those persons taking only placebo. This study was performed during an influenza epidemic in 1989 in France.
Participants who received Oscillococcinum rather than a placebo demonstrated a significantly greater percentage of early recovery (within forty-eight hours of the onset of symptoms). Overall, about 61.2 percent of participants in the Oscillo treatment group gave it a favorable judgment, whereas only 49.3 percent in the placebo group rated their “treatment” favorably. This difference in positive perception by the treatment group was statistically significant. Furthermore, the treatment group used significantly fewer optional symptomatic medications (such as acetaminophen) than the control group. This suggests that their symptoms were less severe.
In a similar double-blind study performed in Germany, investigators gave 334 people with flu-like symptoms (within twenty-four hours of administering the treatment) either Oscillococcinum or a placebo three times daily for three days. Again, significant benefits were seen. However, while these results are apparently positive, the published reports are scant in detail, making the quality of these studies difficult to fully assess. Other research indicates that Oscillo may effectively lower the severity and occurrence of upper respiratory infections in children, but overall, conclusive scientific evidence fails to support Oscillo's use.
L52. Another widely used flu treatment, L52, is a liquid homeopathic formula of ten ingredients: Eupatorium perf., aconite, Bryonia, Amica, Gelsemium, China, belladonna, Drosera, Polygala, and eucalyptus. A large, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of about twelve hundred participants evaluated the effectiveness of L52 for preventing the flu rather than for treating it. No benefits were seen, but L52 has shown some promise for the treatment of the flu. It remains popular in Europe as an over-the-counter flu remedy.
Traditional Homeopathic Treatments
Classical homeopathy offers many possible homeopathic treatments for the flu. These therapies are chosen based on various specific details of the person seeking treatment.
For example, a person who experiences chills up and down the spine and who feels tired and weak but not thirsty might be given homeopathic Gelsemium. Further details of this remedy’s symptom picture include headache, runny nose, sore throat, and a desire to be left alone. However, Gelsemium can be toxic to the liver and should be used with caution.
However, different auxiliary symptoms might indicate a different choice of remedy. For example, suppose a person has the flu and is very thirsty, especially for cold drinks, and feels better in a cool room than in a warm room. The person also has pain with motion and is irritable. These symptoms fit with the homeopathic treatment Bryonia.
To prevent the flu, the best option is vaccination for all individuals older than six months. Zinc may help prevent the flu and may help shorten the length of time one experiences flu symptoms. It is available in lozenges, syrup, tablets, gels, and nasal swabs. One study showed positive results from using zinc within twenty-four hours of the onset of symptoms, and another showed positive evidence of lowering the overall severity of symptoms. However, there is no conclusive evidence to rely upon. Vitamin C, echinacea, and probiotics are also commonly used to treat and prevent the flu, but scientific evidence fails to support their effectiveness.
Many other traditional remedies do not directly address, shorten, or cure the flu but may help alleviate some symptoms. Teas containing turmeric, ginger, chamomile, eucalyptus, cinnamon, and other herbs are often marketed as flu-relief products. There is evidence that some herbs' antioxidants and antiviral properties may help strengthen the immune system's response to the flu, but they are not cures. However, drinking a warm, comforting tea is an ideal way to stay hydrated and may help soothe sore throats or limit nausea. Similarly, chicken soup contains carnosine and anserine, which may help ease some symptoms of the flu and support hydration. Steam and aroma therapy may also temporarily relieve patients experiencing nasal congestion or runny nose, but these do not cure any illness.
"5 Tips: Natural Products for the Flu and Colds: What Does the Science Say?" National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, www.nccih.nih.gov/health/tips/tips-natural-products-for-the-flu-and-colds-what-does-the-science-say. Accessed 20 Sept. 2024.
Iftikhar, Noreen. "10 Natural Remedies for Flu Symptoms." Healthline, 23 Aug. 2024, www.healthline.com/health/natural-flu-remedies. Accessed 20 Sept. 2024.
Kirkby, R., and P. Herscu. “Homeopathic Trial Design in Influenza Treatment.” Homeopathy, vol. 99, 2010, pp. 69-75, doi:10.1016/j.homp.2009.09.001.
Kirkby, R., et al. “Methodological Considerations for Future Controlled Influenza Treatment Trials in Complementary and Alternative Medicine.” Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, vol. 16, 2010, pp. 275-283, doi:10.1089/acm.2009.0212.
Mousa, Haider Abdul-Lateef. "Prevention and Treatment of Influenza, Influenza-Like Illness, and Common Cold by Herbal, Complementary, and Natural Therapies." Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, vol. 22, no. 1, 2017, pp. 166-174. doi:10.1177/2156587216641831.
Shahrajabian, M.H., W. Sun, and Q. Cheng. "Traditional Herbal Medicine for the Prevention and Treatment of Cold and Flu in the Autumn of 2020, Overlapped With COVID-19." Natural Product Communications, vol. 15, no. 8, 2020, doi:10.1177/1934578X20951431.
Wong, Cathy. "The Health Benefits of Oscillococcinum." Very Well Health, 15 Sept. 2024, www.verywellhealth.com/health-benefits-of-oscillococcinum-89022. Accessed 20 Sept. 2024.