Homeopathic remedies for insect bites and stings

  • DEFINITION: The use of highly diluted remedies to treat symptoms caused by insect bites and stings.
  • STUDIED HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES: Echinacea; isopathic remedies; Ledum; topical homeopathic remedy containing Echinacea angustifolia, Ledum palustre, Urtica urens, and citronella and eucalyptus oils; Urtica, Apis mellifica, Hypericum perforatum, Staphysagria, Arnica montana, Caladium, Lachesis, Cantharis

Scientific Evaluations of Homeopathic Remedies

In a randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled study, researchers investigated the effectiveness of a homeopathic gel manufactured and marketed in the Netherlands as a topical treatment for insect bites. The gel was made from homeopathic medicines, including Echinacea angustifolia, Ledum palustre, Urtica urens, and citronella and eucalyptus oils. The researchers found sixty-eight healthy people willing to let mosquitoes bite them on the forearm in three different places. The bites were then treated with the homeopathic gel and a placebo, which was identical to the treatment except that it lacked the homeopathic medicines. The study aimed to determine whether the homeopathic remedy was more effective than the placebo.


It is important to note that the formulation of the gel used in the study has sparked debate among homeopaths. Many object to the inclusion of strongly aromatic oils like citronella and eucalyptus. According to the principles of classical homeopathy, these oils could potentially antidote (block) the effects of the homeopathic ingredients, raising questions about the gel's efficacy. There is a lack of double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of homeopathic treatments for insect bites and stings. Smaller and observational studies have been completed, but increased scientific study of these treatments is necessary. 

Traditional Homeopathic Treatments

Classical homeopathy often recommends homeopathic echinacea for insect bites and stings with venom. Ledum is commonly used for puncture wounds and insect bites, and Urtica is used as a remedy for itching. Other common homeopathic treatments for insect bites and stings include isopathic remedies made from the offending insect. These remedies include Apis mellifica from the honeybee and Vespa crabro from the wasp. Additional homeopathic remedies include Hypericum perforatum for pain related to bites and stings, Staphysagria for itching, Arnica montana for bruising and soreness, and caladium for itching and burning. Lachesis and cantharis may also provide symptom relief.

While homeopathic supplements may not always be effective against insect bites, there are simple remedies that can provide some relief. For example, when stung by a bee, removing the stinger and applying ice to the affected area can help with the pain. Honey may also provide relief. A paste made of baking soda and water can be useful. For mosquito bites, in addition to baking soda, a paste made of oatmeal can be applied. Honey may again provide relief, as well as rubbing the area with aloe vera. Other natural treatments include onion, vinegar, and basil. However, some people may be allergic to insect toxins. If symptoms appear serious or persist, the patient should seek medical attention. 


Altunc, U., M. H. Pittler, and E. Ernst. "Homeopathy for Childhood and Adolescence Ailments." Mayo Clinic Proceedings, vol. 82, 2007, pp. 69-75.

Ehrlich, Steven D. "Insect Bites and Stings - Complementary and Alternative Medicine." St. Luke's Hospital, 4 Feb. 2016, www.stlukes-stl.com/health-content/medicine/33/000095.htm. Accessed 1 Oct. 2024.

Fontaine, Dominique, and Annette McDermott. "Bee Sting Treatment: 6 Home Remedies." Healthline, 13 Apr. 2023, www.healthline.com/health/outdoor-health/home-remedies-for-bee-stings. Accessed 1 Oct. 2024.

Hill, N., et al. "A Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial Investigating the Efficacy of a Homeopathic After-Bite Gel in Reducing Mosquito Bite Erythema." European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, vol. 49, 1995, pp. 103-108.

"Insect Bites and Stings (Homeopathy) – Health Information Library." PeaceHealth, 31 Oct. 2012, www.peacehealth.org/medical-topics/id/hn-2238007. Accessed 1 Oct. 2024.

"Mosquito Bites." Cleveland Clinic, 15 Oct. 2021, my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/17695-mosquito-bites. Accessed 1 Oct. 2024.

Sullivan, Debra and Summer Fanous. "16 Natural Remedies for Mosquito Bite Relief." Healthline, 13 Feb. 2024, www.healthline.com/health/outdoor-health/home-remedies-for-mosquito-bites. Accessed 1 Oct. 2024.

Trongtokit, Y., et al. "Comparative Repellency of Thirty-Eight Essential Oils Against Mosquito Bites." Phytotherapy Research, vol. 19, 2005, pp. 303-309.

Ullman, D., and M. Frass. "A Review of Homeopathic Research in the Treatment of Respiratory Allergies." Alternative Medicine Review, vol. 15, 2010, pp. 48-58.