Homeopathic remedies for migraines
Homeopathic remedies for migraines are based on the principles of classical homeopathy, which involves treating individual symptoms with specific natural substances. Migraines are characterized by severe headaches that may be accompanied by visual disturbances, light sensitivity, nausea, and other distressing symptoms. Common triggers for migraines include stress, hormonal changes, and certain foods, although many individuals experience migraines without identifiable triggers.
Several homeopathic remedies, such as belladonna, Lachesis, silicea, and Gelsemium, are often used to address different migraine symptoms based on the individual's experience. For instance, belladonna may be suitable for throbbing headaches exacerbated by light or noise, while Lachesis is recommended for congested, pulsing pain primarily on the left side of the head.
Research on the efficacy of these remedies shows mixed results, with some studies indicating significant benefits and others finding no statistically meaningful differences compared to placebos. Despite the varying outcomes, remedies like Natrum muriaticum and Bryonia are also noted for their potential effectiveness in treating migraines. The nuanced approach of homeopathy offers a range of options for those interested in alternative treatments for migraine relief.
Homeopathic remedies for migraines
- STUDIED HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES: Belladonna (Atropa belladonna), Cyclamen, Gelsemium, ignatia, Lachesis, Natrum muriaticum, silicea, sulfur
DEFINITION: Homeopathic treatment of headaches characterized by severe pain, visual disturbances, light sensitivity, nausea, and other symptoms.
The term migraine refers to a class of headaches that share certain characteristic symptoms. Migraine pain may be preceded or accompanied by visual changes, severe sensitivity to light or sound, heart palpitations, faintness, nausea, or vomiting. Symptoms that precede the onset of a migraine attack are known as prodromal symptoms.

In migraines, headache pain usually occurs in the forehead or temples, often on one side only, and is typically accompanied by nausea and a preference for a darkened room. Headache attacks last for several hours up to one day or more. They are usually separated by completely pain-free intervals. In some cases, headache pain is accompanied by a visual (or occasionally nonvisual) disturbance known as an aura. Migraines are classified as migraine with aura or migraine without aura.
Migraines can be triggered by a variety of causes, including fatigue, stress, hormonal changes, and foods such as alcohol, chocolate, peanuts, and avocados. However, in many people, migraines occur with no obvious triggering factor.
Scientific Evaluations of Homeopathic Remedies
Several double-blind, placebo-controlled studies have evaluated the use of classical homeopathic approaches to treat migraines and other forms of headache. One study found significant evidence of benefit, while the others did not.
In a positive study, sixty people who suffered from migraines were given either a classical homeopathic remedy or a placebo. At the start of the study, researchers evaluated each person and, based on classical homeopathy, prescribed one or two of the following remedies: belladonna, ignatia, Lachesis, silicea, Gelsemium, Cyclamen, Natrum muriaticum, or sulfur, each in thirty centesimal potency. Once an appropriate remedy was determined for each participant, researchers randomly divided participants into treatment and control groups. After the four-month study, the treatment group showed a statistically significant reduction in the intensity, duration, and frequency of migraine attacks compared with the placebo group.
Another four-month, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of about the same size also evaluated the effects of individualized homeopathic treatment on migraines, but with less positive results. On most measurements of headache severity, no statistically significant differences were seen between the treated and placebo groups.
Lack of benefit was seen in two other trials, each involving individualized homeopathic treatment and enrolling more than 150 people. However, the larger of these two trials included people with various forms of headaches, not just migraines.
In a review of the literature, Natrum muriaticum, Bryonia, Belladonna, Glonoinum, Gelsemium (woodbine), and Rhus toxicodendron were found to be commonly used and relatively beneficial treatments for migraines and headaches.
Traditional Homeopathic Treatments
Classical homeopathy offers many possible homeopathic treatments for migraine headaches. These therapies are chosen based on various specific details of the person seeking treatment.
If the headache is throbbing and pain increases from the slightest disturbance of light, motion, or noise, and the condition worsens in the afternoon, the affected person may fit the symptom picture for the remedy belladonna. Other features of this symptom picture include a flushed hot face, and cold hands and feet.
If the headache is situated on the left side of the head and the pain is congested and pulsing, the affected person may be a candidate for the homeopathic remedy Lachesis. Other characteristics of the symptom picture include a flushed or blotchy face, pain that is worse from sleeping either during the day or night, and pain that is sometimes worse from heat.
For women, migraines may occur more often near or during their period, called menstruation migraines or hormone headaches. Taking 400 to 600 milligrams of magnesium each day may help these hormone-related headaches.
If the migraine occurs after mental exertion or near the menstrual period and the affected person is especially nervous and chilly, then the remedy silicea may be indicated. Headaches associated with this remedy are usually on the right side, starting at the back of the skull and extending to the forehead.
Kermott, Cindy A., and Martha P. Millman. Mayo Clinic Book of Home Remedies: What to Do for the Most Common Health Problems. Simon & Schuster, 2021.
Minali ,Tyagi, and Harcharanjeet Kaur. “Effectiveness of Homoeopathic Treatment in the Management of Headache: A Retrospective Observational Study.” International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research, vol. 6, no. 1, 2024. doi:10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i01.13139.
"Mythbusters: Migraine Remedies." American Migraine Foundation, 17 Feb. 2021, americanmigrainefoundation.org/resource-library/understanding-migraine-catpreventive-treatmentsmythbusters-migraine-remedies. Accessed 1 Oct. 2024.
Nunez, Kirsten. "Can Homeopathy Help with Migraine?" Healthline, 13 May 2021, www.healthline.com/health/migraine/homeopathy-for-migraine. Accessed 1 Oct. 2024.
Schiapparelli, P., et al. “Non-Pharmacological Approach to Migraine Prophylaxis.” Neurological Sciences, vol. 31, suppl. 1, 2010, pp. S137-S9.
Straumsheim, P., et al. “Homeopathic Treatment of Migraine.” British Homeopathic Journal, vol. 89, 2000, pp. 4-7.
Witt, C. M., et al. “Homeopathic Treatment of Patients with Migraine.” Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 16, 2010, pp. 347-55.