Mullein's therapeutic uses

  • DEFINITION: Natural plant product used to treat specific health conditions.
  • OTHER PROPOSED USES: Asthma, colds, cough, ear infection (topical, in combination with other herbs), sore throat, skin health, traditional uses


Also called grandmother’s flannel for its thick, soft leaves, mullein is a common wildflower that can grow almost anywhere. It reaches several feet tall and puts up a spike of densely packed tiny yellow flowers. Mullein has served many purposes over the centuries, from making candlewicks to casting out evil spirits, but as medicine, it was primarily used to treat diarrhea, respiratory diseases, and hemorrhoids.


Therapeutic Dosages

Mullein tea is made by adding 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried leaves and flowers to one cup of boiling water and steeping for ten minutes. The tea must be strained before drinking because fuzzy bits of the herb can stick in one’s throat and cause an irritating tickle. Instead of drinking the tea, one can also breathe the steam from a boiling pot of mullein tea.

Mullein seeds contain the potentially toxic substance rotenone. For this reason, it is advisable to make sure there are no seeds in the mullein flowers used or to use only the mullein leaf.

Mullein oil products are brought to room temperature and dripped into the ear canal to treat ear infection pain. However, ensuring the eardrum is not punctured before dripping mullein oil into the ear is advisable.

Therapeutic Uses

Mullein contains a high proportion of mucilage (large sugar molecules); mucilage is generally thought to have a soothing effect. It also contains saponins that may help loosen mucus. Mullein has been suggested to treat asthma, colds, coughs, and sore throats. However, there is limited meaningful evidence that it is helpful for any of these conditions. Still, the main indication for supplementation with mullein remained for people with lung conditions due to its ability to loosen mucous and calm inflammation, aiding in the alleviation of the symptoms of allergies, tonsillitis, and whooping cough.

Mullein is traditionally combined with other herbs in oil preparations to soothe the pain of ear infections (otitis media, or middle ear infection, but not swimmer’s ear, an external ear infection), and one study provides preliminary support for this use.

As with many herbs, test-tube studies have found that mullein can kill viruses on contact. In addition, an interesting but highly preliminary study suggests that mullein might help certain medications used for influenza work better. These findings, however, are far too scant to show that internal use of mullein will fight viral infections.

Oral mullein is said to be most effective when combined with other herbs of similar qualities, such as yerba santa, marshmallow, cherry bark, and elecampane. Still, additional scientific evidence is necessary to support this belief. Mullein combined with garlic showed promise as a salve for treating wounds. Its anti-inflammatory and emollient effects may help skin conditions such as minor irritations, burns, and hemorrhoids. Because mullein is high in antioxidants, it can provide cell-protecting powers and protect against chronic health conditions such as cancer and heart disease. Traditionally, mullein was used for digestive disorders, joint pain, insomnia, and anxiety, but more scientific study is necessary.

Scientific Evidence

Two double-blind trials enrolling a total of more than 250 children with eardrum pain caused by middle ear infection compared the effectiveness of an herbal preparation containing garlic, St. John’s wort, and calendula against a standard anesthetic ear drop product (amethocaine and phenazone). The results indicated that the two treatments reduced pain to an equivalent extent. However, due to the strong placebo response in pain conditions, this study would have needed a placebo group to provide truly dependable evidence that the herb is effective. While herbal ear products may reduce pain, it is somewhat unlikely that they actually affect the infection because of the barrier formed by the eardrum. Additional double-blind, placebo-controlled studies have appeared to confirm mullein's respiratory benefits, but they have been limited in scope and number.

Safety Issues

Mullein leaves and flowers are on the US Food and Drug Administration’s list of substances generally recognized as safe (GRAS), and there have been no credible reports of serious adverse effects. However, mullein seeds contain the insecticide and fish poison rotenone. While rotenone is relatively safe in humans, it does present some risks. If mullein leaf products are contaminated with mullein seeds, long-term use might be harmful. For this reason, as well as a complete lack of formal safety investigation of mullein, young children, pregnant or nursing women, and those with severe liver or kidney disease should not use mullein for a prolonged period of time.


Lubeck, Brittany. "Mullein Leaf: Benefits, Effects, and How to Take It." Verywell Health, 15 Sept. 2024, Accessed 22 Sept. 2024.

"How Mullein Benefits Your Lungs." Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials, 19 Dec. 2022, Accessed 22 Sept. 2024.

"Mullein Uses, Benefits & Dosage.", 22 May 2024, Accessed 22 Sept. 2024.

Sarrell, E. M., A. Mandelberg, and H. A. Cohen. "Efficacy of Naturopathic Extracts in the Management of Ear Pain Associated with Acute Otitis Media." Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, vol. 155, 2001, pp. 796-799.

Sarrell, E. M., H. A. Cohen, and E. Kahan. "Naturopathic Treatment for Ear Pain in Children." Pediatrics, vol. 111, 2003, pp. E574-579.

Serkedjieva, J. "Combined Antiinfluenza Virus Activity of Flos verbasci Infusion and Amantadine Derivatives." Phytotherapy Research, vol. 14, 2000, pp. 571-574.

Wilson, Debra Rose, and Rachael Ajmera. "Mullein Leaf Uses, Benefits & Risks." Healthline, 24 July 2023, Accessed 22 Sept. 2024.