Natural treatments for gallstones

  • DEFINITION: Treatment of the sludge, lumps, and hard deposits that form in the bile.
  • OTHER PROPOSED NATURAL TREATMENTS: Apple cider vinegar, artichoke leaf, betaine hydrochloride, boldo, dandelion root, fumitory, greater celandine, milk thistle, peppermint, turmeric, vitamin C, diet, exercise, acupuncture


The gallbladder's function is to store the bile produced by the liver and release it on an as-needed basis for digestive purposes. However, keeping this complex chemical mixture in liquid form is not easy. The various elements of bile have a natural tendency to form sludge, lumps, and hard deposits called gallstones. The body uses several biochemical methods to prevent such condensation from occurring, but this natural chemistry does not always succeed. More than 20 percent of women and 8 percent of men develop gallstones at some time in their lives.

A person could have gallstones for many years without experiencing any problems. However, sooner or later, a gallstone will likely plug the duct that leads out of the gallbladder, causing pain, often severe.

Generally, gallbladder pain starts in the form of occasional minor attacks that subside rapidly, separated by weeks without discomfort. During this phase, the stones block the duct temporarily and then move on. Eventually, continuous obstruction may develop, causing the gallbladder to become inflamed and perhaps infected. This condition is called cholecystitis, a potentially life-threatening situation because an inflamed, blocked gallbladder can rupture. Another risk is that a stone may escape the gallbladder’s duct and move along to the duct which carries away secretions from both the liver and the gallbladder (the common bile duct). When this happens, the liver cannot unload the bile it produces, putting it at risk of permanent injury and creating a surgical emergency.

The most reliable symptom of cholecystitis is intense pain beneath the right lower rib cage, often occurring from midnight to 3 am. Typically, pain radiates to the right shoulder and is accompanied by a loss of appetite and sometimes nausea. Removal of the gallbladder immediately solves the problem. Gallbladder surgery can usually be carried out laparoscopically, resulting in a quick and easy procedure that requires little recovery time.

Living without a gallbladder does not seem to bring any long-term consequences. However, many people are opposed to the general principle of removing an organ that is naturally part of the body. Medications that dissolve gallstones may be another option.


Proposed Natural Treatments

Alternative treatments for gallstones are only appropriate during the interval before cholecystitis develops. Once the gallbladder has become completely blocked, surgical treatment is urgent.

However, during the initial period when pain is only occasional or intermittent, the risks incurred by postponing surgery are slight. If a doctor feels that a trial of stone-dissolving medications might be appropriate, some of the agents described here could present alternative possibilities. None, though, are well-established as effective. Medical supervision is essential.

Preliminary clinical trials suggest that formulas containing peppermint and related terpenes (fragrant substances found in plants) can dissolve gallstones. The herb milk thistle, standardized to its silymarin content, has been shown to improve the liquidity of bile, although its actual effects on gallstones are unknown.

Several herbs are prescribed in Germany for gallbladder pain, including artichoke leaf, boldo, dandelion root, fumitory, greater celandine, and turmeric. These herbs are thought to work by causing the gallbladder to contract, thereby expelling its stones. However, such an effect is not always positive: expelled stones might become lodged in the duct of the gallbladder or, worse, the common bile duct. Furthermore, if the duct is already blocked, gallbladder contraction will lead to increased pain and perhaps rupture. Finally, some of these herbs are potentially toxic to the liver. One should consult a qualified physician before trying these treatments.

There is some evidence that regular coffee drinking can reduce the risk of developing gallstones in men between forty and seventy-five years of age. In an observational study that tracked about 46,000 male physicians for ten years, those who drank two to three cups of caffeinated coffee daily had a 40 percent reduced risk of developing gallstone disease. Those who drank more coffee had an even greater reduction of risk.

The caffeine in coffee may help, as other sources of caffeine were also associated with a reduced risk of gallstones, while decaffeinated coffee did not help. Caffeine is known to increase bile flow, so this connection makes sense. However, it is also possible that people who drink more coffee have other unknown characteristics that make them more likely to have gallstones and that caffeine itself has no effect. Observational studies, in other words, do not show cause and effect. Similarly weak evidence suggests that regular vitamin C supplements might help prevent gallstones in women.

There are several other proposed natural treatments for gallstones, and a few have undergone clinical study. In a small study, individuals who used a gallbladder cleanse composed of olive oil, juice, and herbs saw a reduction in bile. However, a reduction in bile did not necessarily correlate to a decrease in gallstones. Sunflower oil can also be used. Apple cider vinegar, castor oil packs, milk thistle, and gold coin grass, an ingredient in Traditional Chinese Medicine, have all been suggested for gallstone prevention, though no scientific study can confirm their effectiveness. Dietary changes can also help alleviate gallstones. Individuals are advised to reduce fat intake, eat fewer processed foods, increase fiber intake, and consume fruits and vegetables. Specific yoga poses may also help stimulate the gallbladder and facilitate the passing of gallstones. Finally, one small study discovered a correlation between acupuncture and a reduction in the volume of gallstones. 


Bauer, Brent A. "Gallbladder Cleanse: A 'Natural' Remedy for Gallstones?" Mayo Clinic, 28 Feb. 2024, Accessed 25 Sept. 2024.

Clavien, Pierre-Alain, editor. Diseases of the Gallbladder and Bile Ducts. 2d ed., Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2006.

"Eating, Diet, & Nutrition for Gallstones." National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Nov. 2017, Accessed 25 Sept. 2024.

Leitzmann, M. F., et al. "A Prospective Study of Coffee Consumption and the Risk of Symptomatic Gallstone Disease in Men." Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 281, 1999, pp. 2106-2112.

Simon, J. A., and E. S. Hudes. "Serum Ascorbic Acid and Gallbladder Disease Prevalence Among U.S. Adults." Archives of Internal Medicine, vol. 160, 2000, pp. 931-936.

Taylor, Cynthia, and Jayne Leonard. "How to Get Rid of Gallstones: Natural Remedies and More." Medical News Today, 11 Oct. 2023, Accessed 25 Sept. 2024.

Wilson, Debra Rose, and Jenny Brooks. "Are There Natural Ways to Treat Gallstones?." Healthline, 16 Feb. 2023, Accessed 25 Sept. 2024.