Natural treatments for hemorrhoids

DEFINITION: Treatment of swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum.

PRINCIPAL PROPOSED NATURAL TREATMENTS: Bioflavonoids such as citrus bioflavonoids, oxerutins, and bilberry

OTHER PROPOSED NATURAL TREATMENTS: Butcher’s broom, calendula, Collinsonia, gotu kola, horse chestnut, mesoglycan, oak bark, oligomeric proanthocyanidins, slippery elm, witch hazel, Psyllium husk, aloe vera, sitz baths, tea tree oil, coconut oil, diet, and lifestyle changes


Hemorrhoids are swollen, inflamed veins in the rectum that can ache and bleed. They are common and are usually caused by constipation, a low-fiber diet, a sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy, or liver cirrhosis.

The most important interventions for hemorrhoids aim at reversing their causes. Adopting a high-fiber diet, sitting down less, getting plenty of exercise, regulating weight, and maintaining regular bowel habits can make a significant difference. Medical treatment consists mainly of stool softeners and moist heat. In more severe cases, surgical procedures may be used.

Contrary to popular belief, it does not appear that eating foods spiced with hot chili peppers causes any discomfort or harm to people with hemorrhoids; a double-blind study found no difference in symptoms following consumption of hot peppers or a placebo.


Principal Proposed Natural Treatments

Bioflavonoids are colorful substances that occur widely in the plant kingdom. Reasonably good, though not indisputable, evidence suggests that the citrus bioflavonoids diosmin and hesperidin (in a special micronized combination preparation) may be helpful for hemorrhoids.

A two-month, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 120 persons with recurrent hemorrhoid flare-ups found that treatment with combined diosmin and hesperidin significantly reduced the frequency and severity of hemorrhoid attacks. Another double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of one hundred persons had positive results with the same bioflavonoids in relieving symptoms once a flare-up of hemorrhoid pain had begun. A ninety-day double-blind trial of one hundred persons with bleeding hemorrhoids also found significant benefits for the treatment of acute attacks and the prevention of new ones. Finally, this bioflavonoid combination was found to compare favorably with the surgical treatment of hemorrhoids. However, less impressive results were seen in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study where all participants were given a fiber laxative with either combined diosmin and hesperidin or placebo.

Other sources of bioflavonoids have been studied, too. In a four-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of forty people with hemorrhoids, the use of an extract made from the bioflavonoid-rich herb bilberry significantly reduced hemorrhoid symptoms compared with a placebo. In addition, according to some double-blind studies, the semisynthetic bioflavonoids known as oxerutins may also be helpful for hemorrhoids, including the hemorrhoids that occur during pregnancy. Although it is not known precisely how flavonoids work, they are thought to stabilize the walls of blood vessels, making them less susceptible to injury.

Other Proposed Natural Treatments

Preliminary evidence suggests that an extract made from pig intestines called mesoglycan can improve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Another study reported benefit for hemorrhoids by using a combination of olive oil, honey, and beeswax. However, because this trial lacked a placebo group, its results mean little. Other studies suggest psyllium husk supplements may increase the body's ability to keep the digestive system regular and avoid hemorrhoids.

The natural treatments used for varicose veins are also often recommended for hemorrhoids, because a hemorrhoid is actually a special kind of varicose vein. Some of the most commonly mentioned treatments include horse chestnut, oligomeric proanthocyanidins, gotu kola, and butcher’s broom.

Traditional herbal remedies for hemorrhoids include calendula (applied topically), Collinsonia root (oral or topical), oak bark (topical), slippery elm (oral or topical), and witch hazel (topical). However, there has been little to no scientific evaluation of these treatments. Other natural treatments for hemorrhoids include sitz baths, where individuals can soak in warm water with Epson salt and witch hazel added to relieve itching and irritation. The anti-inflammatory properties found in aloe vera or coconut oil may also soothe hemorrhoids. Finally, tea tree oil may help hemorrhoids due to its antiseptic qualities.


Al-Waili, N. S., et al. "The Safety and Efficacy of a Mixture of Honey, Olive Oil, and Beeswax for the Management of Hemorrhoids and Anal Fissure." Scientific World Journal, vol. 6, 2006, pp. 1998-2005.

Alonso-Coello, P., et al. "Meta-analysis of Flavonoids for the Treatment of Haemorrhoids." British Journal of Surgery, vol. 93, 2006, pp. 909-920, doi: 10.1002/bjs.5378.

Bhanote, Monisha. "Hemorrhoids Home Remedies and OTC Treatment." Healthline, 10 Feb. 2023, Accessed 9 Sept. 2024.

"5 Best and Worst Home Remedies for Your Hemorrhoids." Cleveland Clinic, 17 Nov. 2021, Accessed 9 Sept. 2024.

Hashempur, Mohammad Hashem, et al. "An Evidence-Based Study on Medicinal Plants for Hemorrhoids in Medieval Persia." Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, vol. 22, no 4, 2017, pp. 969-981, doi:10.1177/2156587216688597.

Solan, Matthew. "Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids." Harvard Health Publishing, 23 July 2024, Accessed 9 Sept. 2024.