Computer Software

Computer software refers to one or more programs that determine how a computer operates. Software works along with a computer's hardware, or physical parts, to make the computer function efficiently for various tasks. There are two main kinds of computer software: system software and application software. System software is mainly used by the computer to help its parts communicate and cooperate. Application software is generally added to allow humans to perform specific tasks with the computer. Together, these kinds of software make computers valuable machines for work and entertainment alike.

Computers, Hardware, and Software

Computers are electronic machines that can accept and interpret different forms of data and perform various operations using the data. People use computers for a great variety of purposes ranging from complex scientific research to entertainment. After several generations of development, computers have taken on a wide range of forms in the modern world. People today may use large computers on desktops or smaller laptop computers. Notebook computers and relatively tiny mobile versions become more popular each year, and embedded computers are critical parts of most automobiles and many appliances.

Despite the great variety in modern computers, they share some important similarities. One of the main similar features of all computers is that they use hardware and software. Hardware is a term referring to the physical parts of a computer. These parts include easily identifiable external features such as the central processing unit (CPU), keyboard, and mouse or touchpad. They also include smaller, internal features such as hard disks, or devices that allow the computer to store and access information. Hardware is important because it creates a basis upon which people may add software that will make the computer perform specific tasks.

Types of Computer Software

Computer software is a much broader category than computer hardware. Software refers to all the programs that manufacturers or users may install on a computer. Software may be used by the computer, by the user, or by both to organize and use files and other data for specific tasks.

The most important software on a computer, and the first program that should be installed, is called the operating system. The operating system serves as a wide-reaching interface, or a digital workstation through which users can install, organize, and operate other, smaller programs. It also helps the computer share its memory and other resources among its various tasks, handle input and output functions, and store new data.

For most computer users, the operating system is the first thing visible once the computer loads after it is turned on. Microsoft Windows was one of the most common operating systems in use, but some types of computers and computer hardware may work better with other operating systems. Some of the main competitors to Windows include Macintosh OS, iOS, Linux, and Android.

Although the operating system is the most important software, there are dozens of other kinds of software available to modern computer users for both personal and professional tasks. This software can generally be divided into two main categories based on their types, the work they do, and the fields in which they are most commonly used. These main categories are system software and application software.

System Software

System software includes any kind of program that controls other programs or the computer's systems. These programs are meant to function closely with the hardware and are useful for making the computer and all of its other programs run more efficiently. The operating system is one prime example of system software. Another important example is a compiler, a program that translates the codes, or computer "language," used by the programs and hardware.

Other types of system software include programming tools such as loaders, linkers, and assemblers, which also gather and translate data. There are also drivers, or programs that assist hardware in performing its necessary tasks. All of these kinds of system software help the various features of a computer communicate and cooperate. Some also allow users to diagnose and solve problems with, or maximize the efficiency of, the computer or its programs.

Application Software

The other main category of software is application software. Whereas system software is mostly used to help the computer function properly, application software is generally more focused on the needs of the user. This category includes all programs that are added to a computer to perform tasks for people using the computer. These tasks can be for productivity, for fun, or both, and may be general in nature or meant for specific goals.

Hundreds of examples of application software are available to computer users, each designed to meet specific user needs. Most of this software falls into broad categories. For instance, multimedia software lets computer users view, listen to, or even create visual and audio files. Spreadsheet and database software helps users store, sort, and analyze large amounts of information. Word processing software lets users create various kinds of documents, and presentation software helps users display their creations for others. Internet browsers, gaming programs, and communication tools are also popular types of application software.


Damien, Jose. Introduction to Computers and Application Software. Sudbury: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2011. 4–7, 25. Print.

"Different Types of Software." Introduction to IT English. University of Victoria. Web. 9 July 2015.‗1‗03.html

Minich, Curt. "Types of Software Applications." INSYS 400 Home Page. Penn State University, Berks Campus. Web. 9 July 2015.

Patterson, David A. and John L. Hennessy. Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface. 5th ed. Waltham: Elsevier, Inc., 2014. 3–9, 13–17. Print.

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