Time complexity

In computer science, time complexity describes the relative efficiency with which a program function or algorithm performs tasks of a particular size and scope. It mainly functions to provide technical professionals with a means of instantly comparing the performance requirements associated with various processing functions or available options. Time complexity allows technicians to select the program functions or algorithms best suited to solving a specific problem in the least amount of time.

Computer science students often fundamentally misunderstand time complexity and what it describes. Time complexity does not measure the amount of time a program function or algorithm needs to process specific data or execute a specific command. Rather, it analyzes the number of computing operations needed to carry out a task of a particular size or complexity. Programs and algorithms with superior time complexity are capable of completing tasks or operations more quickly than an inferior program or algorithm would need to carry out the same task or operation.



Programmers and technicians can solve the same problem or carry out the same operation in numerous ways. These options are broadly differentiated by various programming languages and problem-solving functions known as algorithms.

Thousands of programming languages exist, though only a relatively small number are widely used. Programming languages use unique syntactic structures and commands to deliver process instructions to computers. Computer scientists use programming languages to create software and regulate the interfaces connecting computer systems to external devices such as robots, printers, and other peripherals.

Algorithms are intricate sets of instructions that draw heavily on mathematical modeling and logic to process data and perform computing tasks. From a functional standpoint, algorithms essentially automate computers’ decision-making processes. Particularly advanced algorithms combine data sorting, data storage, and data analysis with machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) to carry out complex tasks with high levels of accuracy.

In computer science, technicians can use multiple methods of solving the same problem. For instance, certain programming languages perform better when used for particular functions or tasks: the C programming language is widely favored for operating systems, system tools, and game development while Java is generally favored for mobile platforms and cross-platform software functionality. Either language can be used to carry out any of these tasks, but their respective features and limitations make certain languages better options in specific situations than alternatives.

Algorithms display the same feature. An algorithm written in a given programming language for use with a given operating system will function differently than an algorithm written in an alternate language for use with an alternate operating system. Thus, the two algorithms may use completely different methods to carry out the same task or solve the same problem.

Time complexity allows computer scientists to quickly and reliably compare the relative efficiencies of the many ways program functions or algorithms perform tasks and solve problems. Analyzing the performance of a particular system or algorithm in the context of its time complexity helps technicians choose the programs and algorithms that will optimize performance under a particular set of conditions.


Recognizing that most computing tasks and problems have multiple possible solutions, time complexity quantifies the relative efficiency of one system or algorithm over another with respect to carrying out a particular task or solving a particular problem. Time complexity looks specifically at the number of operations a system or algorithm uses to complete a task relative to the size of the problem it is attempting to solve. Some computer scientists describe this concept by explaining time complexity as the number of times a system or algorithm must execute a statement to complete a particular problem-solving operation.

For example, suppose a system or algorithm needs to execute ten statements to solve a particular computing problem. Time complexity does not focus on the ten statements needed to solve the problem, but rather on what would happen if the size of the problem were doubled. Would the system or algorithm need to execute double the number of statements to solve it? Would it be able to solve it by executing the same ten statements, or must the system or algorithm execute some other number of statements to solve a problem double the size of the original?

Computer science educators note that students and laypeople often struggle to understand the fundamental purpose and expression of time complexity. It is often mischaracterized as describing the amount of time it takes a system or algorithm to carry out a task or solve a problem. However, this temporal performance is actually dependent on factors such as the programming language used to encode instructions, the operating system a machine uses, and the speed and technical capabilities of the system’s data processing components. Instead, time complexity limits its analysis solely to the structural features of the program or algorithm being used to complete a task or solve a problem. As such, time complexity depends only on the way the program or algorithm is structured and written rather than any other external factor.

A system known as “big O notation” is used to express the time complexity of a program function or algorithm. Big O notation pairs a capital letter O with a number (n) in the following format: O(n). The O component indicates that the operation expresses time complexity, while the (n) component describes the rate at which statement executions increase as input size increases. Thus, time complexity indicates the amount of time a program function or algorithm takes to process data or complete a task on a per-input basis.

Time complexities include three main types: constant, linear, and logarithmic. Constant time complexity is always notated as O(1), with the (1) indicating that the relative size of the data input has no effect on the amount of time the program function or algorithm takes to process the input. At O(1) time complexity, programs and algorithms maintain constant run-time responses no matter how much data is introduced by a particular task. Program functions and algorithms with constant time complexity are therefore both the fastest and the most efficient.

Linear time complexity is expressed as O(n), where (n) represents the number of operations needed to process a given data input. The amount of time a program or algorithm with linear time complexity needs to complete a certain task increases proportionally with the size of the task. Linear time complexities are very common in computer science, and they generally reflect cases in which a program or algorithm must individually consider every element of a data input before making a decision. In explaining this concept, computer science educators often liken algorithmic functions with linear time complexities to the act of manually searching for all books by a certain author on a particular shelf. To complete this task, a person would have to consider every single book on the shelf to individually determine whether to include each book in the author-specific grouping.

O(log n) notates logarithmic time complexity. Logarithmic time complexity often occurs in programs and algorithms that do not need to consider each individual piece of data input to make a decision. Instead, they are able to complete computations at a pace that accelerates as input size decreases. That is, the number of statement executions needed to complete the task goes down at each step, allowing programs and algorithms to carry out complex tasks in relatively short periods of time.

Logarithmic time complexities are also known as divide and conquer algorithms. This moniker reflects the method logarithmic systems use to solve computing problems: rather than individually considering pieces of data, logarithmic systems divide the main task or problem into multiple sub-tasks or sub-problems, then solve those sub-problems individually and integrate the answers to obtain a solution to the main task. For example, consider an algorithm designed to find a particular name in an alphabetically sorted list. An algorithm with linear time complexity would simply go through the list name by name, checking each individual name until it finds a match. An algorithm with logarithmic time complexity would instead choose a name in the middle of the list, look at its first letter, then move to the preceding or following half of the list depending on whether the name being sought begins with a letter occurring earlier or later in the alphabet. At each step, the algorithm essentially eliminates half the amount of time that a system with linear time complexity would require to complete the same task.


“Complexity Analysis.” University of Texas at Austin, www.cs.utexas.edu/users/djimenez/utsa/cs1723/lecture2.html. Accessed 24 Mar. 2023.

“Computational Complexity Theory.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 20 July 2016, plato.stanford.edu/entries/computational-complexity/. Accessed 24 Mar. 2023.

Cygan, Marek, et. al. Parameterized Algorithms. Springer International Publishing, 2015.

Neapolitan, Richard E., and Kumarss Naimipour. Foundations of Algorithms Using Java Pseudocode. Jones & Bartlett, 2004.

Olawanle, Joel. “Big O Cheat Sheet—Time Complexity Chart.” Free Code Camp, 5 Oct. 2022, www.freecodecamp.org/news/big-o-cheat-sheet-time-complexity-chart/. Accessed 24 Mar. 2023.

Rouse, Margaret. “Time Complexity.” Techopedia, 13 June 2018, www.techopedia.com/definition/22573/time-complexity. Accessed 24 Mar. 2023.

“Understanding Algorithms in Computer Science.” International Institute in Geneva, 2023, www.iig.ch/en-en/blog/computer-science/algorithm-computer-science-definition-and-understanding. Accessed 24 Mar. 2023.

“Understanding Time Complexity with Simple Examples.” Geeks for Geeks, 16 Sept. 2024, www.geeksforgeeks.org/understanding-time-complexity-simple-examples/. Accessed 14 Nov. 2024.