Homeopathic remedies for bladder infection

DEFINITION: The use of highly diluted remedies to treat infections of the bladder.

STUDIED HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES: Belladonna, Berberis vulgaris, Cantharis, Equisetum, staphysagria


Bladder infections are a common problem for women. Bacteria from the skin or rectal area can easily move the short distance from a woman’s urethral opening into the bladder, particularly after sexual intercourse. Men, because of the greater distance between their bladder and urethral opening, only rarely develop bladder infections.


The primary symptoms of a bladder infection are burning during urination, increased frequency of urination, and an urgent need to urinate, possibly accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and cloudy or bloody urine. Occasionally, the infection spreads upward into the kidneys, producing symptoms such as intense back pain, high fever, chills, nausea, and diarrhea.

Scientific Evaluations of Homeopathic Remedies

Made from the stavesacre plant (Staphisagria macrosperma), staphysagria is a homeopathic remedy commonly used as a topical treatment for burns and cuts, but it has also been proposed for use to prevent or treat bladder infections. A one-month, single-blind, placebo-controlled study of two hundred women who had developed bladder infections after sexual intercourse evaluated the effectiveness of staphysagria at a thirty-centesimal dilution. The results were positive. In the treatment group, 90 percent of the participants stopped developing bladder-related symptoms, 8 percent were very much better, and 2 percent remained unchanged (a much better outcome than in the placebo group). However, because the study was single-blind rather than double-blind, it lacks credibility. (If the researchers were predisposed to find homeopathy effective, they would tend to bias the results.) These findings were not replicated in other studies in humans or in labs, though some animal studies showed positive results for relieving pain and swelling in mice.

Other research found that increasing fluid intake on a schedule after contracting a UTI may lower the need for antibiotic use by more than 50 percent. Another randomized control trial of 140 premenopausal participants with a predisposition to UTIs found that higher fluid intake reduced the number of occurrences of UTIs in a year. As other research has shown that cranberry consumption may aid in eliminating infection, it is also beneficial for individuals to increase overall fluid intake and cranberry juice or supplement intake.

Traditional Homeopathic Treatments

Classical homeopathy offers many possible homeopathic treatments for bladder infections. These therapies are chosen based on various specific details of the person seeking treatment. The symptom picture of homeopathic belladonna includes frequent and intense urges to urinate, cramping in the bladder, and dark yellow urine released in small amounts, accompanied by fever, flushing, and restless irritability.

A bladder infection with twinges of cutting pain or a burning feeling that extends to the urethra and its opening may indicate a need for the Berberis vulgaris remedy. The urinary passage may also burn at times when there is no attempt at urination. After emptying the bladder, the person feels as if some urine still remains inside, and the urge to urinate is often made worse by walking.

When the passage of urine is associated with sharp cutting pains, homeopathic Cantharis might be recommended. Cantharis is the most commonly recommended homeopathic remedy for bladder infections. Equisetum is typically associated with sensations of pain and fullness in the bladder that are worsened rather than improved by emptying the bladder. Aconitum, berberis, mercutius, and Apis mellifica 30C (not to be confused with the scientific name for the honey bee) are commonly recommended by homeopaths for burning, pain, and frequent urination. Other recommendations for preventing and eliminating UTIs include increasing fluid intake, vitamin C, probiotics, garlic, and D-mannose.


Das, Sarita. “Natural Therapeutics for Urinary Tract Infections-a Review.” Future Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 6, no. 1, 2020, p. 64. doi:10.1186/s43094-020-00086-2.

Imanshahidi, M., and H. Hosseinzadeh. “Pharmacological and Therapeutic Effects of Berberis vulgaris and Its Active Constituent, Berberine.” Phytotherapy Research, vol. 22, 2008, pp. 999-1012.

Josephson, Laura. Homeopathic Handbook of Natural Remedies: Safe and Effective Treatment of Common Ailments and Injuries. Random House, 2002.

Shoemaker, SaVanna. "Is Staphysagria Safe and Effective? Dosage, Benefits, and Dangers." Healthline, 29 Mar. 2024, www.healthline.com/nutrition/staphysagria. Accessed 20 Sept. 2024.

"Urinary Tract Infection in Women." Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, www.mountsinai.org/health-library/condition/urinary-tract-infection-in-women. Accessed 15 Aug. 2023.