The Power of Darkness: Analysis of Setting
"The Power of Darkness" is a play set in a large, unnamed Russian village, portraying a community where peasants engage in morally questionable behaviors, including mistreatment, theft, and even murder. The setting reflects the harsh realities of rural life in Russia during a period when serfs had recently been freed, yet the anticipated improvements in their conditions had not materialized. The play's characters embody the struggles and vices of their environment, notably through Akim, a humble villager who advocates for moral integrity and adherence to God's laws. His character serves as a moral compass, contrasting sharply with the darker actions of others, including his son Nikita, who grapples with his criminal past. Despite its serious themes, the play is not solely didactic; Tolstoy’s skillful storytelling and complex characterizations provide depth and dramatic tension. Through this exploration of human tragedy and moral conflict, Tolstoy offers a nuanced reflection on the capacity for redemption and the importance of virtue amidst societal decay. This layered setting and character dynamics invite audiences to contemplate the broader implications of morality and accountability in their own lives.
The Power of Darkness: Analysis of Setting
First published:Vlast tmy: Ili, “Kogotok uvyaz, vsey ptichke propast,” 1887 (English translation, 1890)
First produced: 1888
Type of work: Drama
Type of plot: Domestic tragedy
Time of work: Nineteenth century
Places Discussed
Russian village
Russian village. The setting of the play is an unnamed, large Russian village, in which peasants live and behave in a manner disrespectful of common decency. They mistreat each other whenever the opportunity arises, tolerate immoral marriages, steal from each other, and even murder one another when it serves their purposes. Himself a Russian count, Tolstoy underwent a profound religious conversion late in life and preached in his works a faithful following of Christian virtues and morality. Having lived most of his life in the Russian provinces, he was also keenly aware of the backwardness of the peasants and of their wont to follow their impulses regardless of the consequences.
Although Russia’s serfs were freed from virtual slavery in 1861 and expected to show great improvement in their life, there had been little progress when Tolstoy wrote his play. In the character of Akim, a simple, illiterate, inarticulate, and humble villager, who keeps reminding everyone that a man should have a soul and follow God’s laws, Tolstoy presents a model to be emulated. Akim’s insistence on righting the wrong brings his son, Nikita, who had committed several crimes, including the murder of his newborn baby, to a sincere confession and repentance at the climax of the play. What saves The Power of Darkness from being merely a preachy and moralistic exercise is Tolstoy’s flair for dramatic action, compact plot, and creation of distinctive characters. He presents his Christian message indirectly and dramatically, as a depiction of universal human tragedy.
Christian, R. F. Tolstoy: A Critical Introduction. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1969. A starting place for critical research.
De Courcel, Martine. Tolstoy: The Ultimate Reconciliation. Translated by Peter Levi. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1988. A long and thorough discussion of Tolstoy, public and critical reception of The Power of Darkness, and the events of Tolstoy’s life that surrounded the play and the time immediately following it.
Noyes, George Rapall. Tolstoy. Mineola, N.Y.: Dover, 1968. Connects the many works of Tolstoy and refers to biographical information pertinent to the understanding of his writings. Composed greatly of Tolstoy’s published writings, diaries, and letters. Explains the theme of conversion in The Power of Darkness and the dramatic differences between this play and Tolstoy’s novels.
Simmons, Ernest J. Introduction to Tolstoy’s Writings. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968. Discusses all the works of Tolstoy that have proved to have enduring significance. Devotes a chapter to Tolstoy’s dramatic writings. Also discusses the literary devices and theatrical production of The Power of Darkness.
Troyat, Henri. Tolstoy. Translated by Nancy Amphoux. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1967. Gives biographical information concerning the time of writing The Power of Darkness and Tolstoy’s intentions for it. Includes many illustrations.