4450 Pan

FIELDS OF STUDY: Astronomy; Observational Astronomy

ABSTRACT: The asteroid 4450 Pan is a small, rocky minor planet that orbits the sun. Its orbit crosses the paths of Venus, Earth, and Mars. It is a near-Earth object, which means it orbits relatively close to Earth. The asteroid was discovered in 1987 by astronomers Carolyn and Eugene Shoemaker. It was named for the Greek god Pan. Because 4450 Pan is a near-Earth object, scientists study it closely to observe whether it could have any impact on Earth.

Attributes of 4450 Pan

Pan is an asteroid, which means it is a rocky space object that orbits the sun. Asteroids are too small to be called planets. Instead, they are called minor planets. The term "minor planet" refers to any astronomical object other than a planet or a comet that orbits the sun. The solar system has tens of thousands of asteroids. Pan is an Apollo asteroid, which is a type of asteroid that crosses Earth’s orbital path on a certain axis. It also a near-Earth object (NEO)—specifically, a near-Earth asteroid (NEA)—which means that gravity has pulled it into an orbit close to Earth. As of 2022, 4450 Pan was roughly 0.43 astronomical units (AU) from Earth.

Pan has a rotation period of 56.5 hours. It has an elliptical orbit around the sun. Its orbit also crosses the paths of Venus and Mars.

Discovery and Naming

Pan is not bright enough to be seen with the naked eye. It was discovered on September 25, 1987, by Carolyn Shoemaker and her husband, Eugene Shoemaker, at the Palomar Observatory in California. During their careers, the Shoemakers discovered a number of other asteroids and other bodies, including the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (D/1993 F2).

Asteroids can be named after many different things. Pan was named after the mythical Greek god of nature, who was known as a hunter and a fisher. In art, Pan is depicted as half-man, half-goat, with horns on his head.

Studying Asteroids

Scientists identify and study asteroids such as 4450 Pan for a number of reasons. Asteroids were formed when the solar system was first forming. Because of this, scientists are interested in studying asteroids to learn more about the early solar system.

As a near-Earth asteroid, 4450 Pan is of particular interest to scientists. Asteroids that are closer to Earth have a higher likelihood of impacting Earth. Therefore, scientists study their movements closely. Furthermore, humans might someday mine asteroids for minerals. If this happens, the asteroids nearest Earth will be easiest to access. Scientists believe that Pan will closely approach Earch in September 2032.


  • asteroid: a small, rocky minor planet that orbits the sun.
  • near-Earth asteroid: an asteroid whose orbit brings it within 1.3 astronomical units (AU) of the sun.


"Asteroid 4450 (1987 SY)." The Sky, 16 Jan. 2022, the-sky.org/neo/2004450. Accessed 12 June 2022.

Chapman, Mary G. "Gene Shoemaker: Founder of Astrogeology." USGS Astrogeology Science Center. Dept. of Interior, n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

"4450 Pan (1987 SY)." JPL Small-Body Database Browser. California Inst. of Technology, 29 Aug. 2003. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

"4450 Pan (1987 SY)." Small-Body Radar Database. U of California, Los Angeles, 9 Dec. 2014. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

"Frequently Asked Questions." Near-Earth Object Program. NASA, 16 Mar. 2015. Web. 16 Mar. 2015.

"Object Classifications." PDS: Small Bodies Node. U of Maryland, 26 Aug. 2011. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

Schmadel, Lutz D. Dictionary of Minor Planet Names. 6th ed. Heidelberg: Springer, 2012. Print.