
The Anchisaurus was a small, quick dinosaur that lived during the earyl Jurassic Period in the area now known as the United States. It had a thick body, thin neck and tiny head. Scientists once thought it ate both plants and meat, but now it is believed to have been a plant eater.


Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Dinosauria

Order: Saurischia

Family: Anchisaura

Genus: Anchisauridae

Species: Polyzelus

A full-grown Anchisaurus grew to a length of 6 1/2 feet (2 meters), which is considered small for a dinosaur. It likely weighed around 60 to 75 pounds (27 to 34 kilograms). It had a long, thin tail that was about the same length as its body. The animal walked on four medium-sized legs. Its feet had sharp claws at the ends. A long, straight neck supported a small head and long snout, or nose. Its jaws were lined with rows of dull teeth.

The Anchisaurus was an herbivore, or plant-eating dinosaur. Scientists believe this to be true based on its dull, square-shaped teeth. Because Anchisaurus was able to stand on its hind legs, it was able to eat some of the taller vegitation that shorter animals could not reach.

Anchisaurus also used its powerful back legs to out run meat-eating predators like Coelophysis. Once caught, however, there was little Anchisaurus could do to save itself. Its whip-like tail and sharp claws were usually no match for the razor-sharp teeth and deadly jaws of its enemy.

Scientists believe that Anchisaurus lived in herds with other dinosaurs of its kind. These herds spent much of their time in the grassy highlands. It is expected they migrated, or moved, in search of water during the dry months.

Little is known about the breeding habits of Anchisaurus.

Fossil remains of Anchisaurus have been found in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Nova Scotia.


“Anchisaurus Dinosaur.” Dinosaur Facts,‗vignette. Accessed 23 Mar. 2024.

“Anchisaurus.” Natural History Museum, Accessed 22 Mar. 2024.

“Anchisaurus.” Prehistoric Wildlife, Accessed 22 Mar. 2024.