
The armoured dinosaur, Dacentrurus, lived in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous period and was similar to its relative the Stegosaurus. It had two rows of sharp spikes which ran down its back to its tail. It was the first stegosaur discovered.


Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Dinosauria

Order: Ornithischia

Family: Stegosauridae

Genus: Dacentrurus

Species: Armatus

Dacentrurus was a medium-sized, plant-eating dinosaur. It had two rows of spikes running from its head to its tail. Some scientists believe the plates helped Dacentrurus keep its body at the right temperature. The plates protected them against the attack of a large meat-eating predator.

Dacentrurus measured 26 to 33 feet (8 to 10 meters) long. Its front legs were much shorter than its hind legs. The front feet had five toes while the hind legs only had four. Each toe had a claw at the end of it that helped the animal dig. The narrow head of Dacentrurus was tiny compared to the rest of its body. Its brain was only about the size of a golf ball. Its rounded nose was like that of a turtle. Dacentrurus had thick and leathery skin.

Dacentrurus was an herbivore, or plant-eater. Using its strong hips and back muscles, it could stand on its hind legs and reach higher plants. Dacentrurus liked to eat ferns, conifers (trees with cones), and cycads (palm-like trees).

Dacentrurus was a slow-moving dinosaur. Its short front legs made it hard for it to run. This made it an easy catch for large, meat-eating dinosaurs like Allosaurus. Dacentrurus, which means "tail full of points," used its spiked, flexible tail as a weapon. It could swing it quickly back and forth while its sharp spikes ripped through its enemy's skin. The spikes on the back of Dacentrurus also protected it from the claws and teeth of its enemy.

Scientists believe the female Dacentrurus laid a clutch, or group of small eggs. She would place them in a shallow hole and cover them with sand where the sun kept them warm. After hatching, the young stegosaurus were cared for by the adult until they were old enough to be independent. Some young were eaten by predators.

Dacentrurus liked warm, subtropical climates with plenty of vegetation to eat. The environments Dacentrurus lived in are much like modern tropical rainforests.

Fossil remains of Dacentrurus have been found in England, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and France.


"Dacentrurus." Natural History Museum, www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/dino-directory/dacentrurus.html. Accessed 5 Apr. 2024.

Douglas, Regan. "Dacentrurus: An Intriguing Dino from of the Late Jurassic." The Dinosaurs, 16 July 2023, thedinosaurs.org/dinosaurs/dacentrurus. Accessed 5 Apr. 2024.