
Category: Tribe

Culture area: Plateau

Language group: Upper Chinookan

Primary location: The Dalles and lower Columbia River, Oregon

The Wasco and Wishram were contiguous tribes, sharing linguistic and cultural characteristics. The stronger Wasco ultimately absorbed the other group. Both groups maintained themselves through trading and exploiting the resources of the Columbia River and gathering various roots, particularly lomatium. They were noted for their weaving techniques and design in making soft cylindrical blankets.


After the Meriwether Lewis and William Clark expedition of 1805-1806, the first sustained European American contacts were with land-based traders desiring sea otter, beaver, fox, and other furs. The acquiring of European trade goods enhanced the Wasco-Wishram position on the Columbia River, which was the main trade route. The combined population of the Wasco-Wishram in 1937 was 351. Today some of the Wasco live on the Warm Springs and Yakima reservations, employed both on and off the reservations.