Board of education
A board of education, commonly known as a school board, is a governing body responsible for overseeing public schools within a specific geographic area. Its primary role is to ensure that children receive quality education tailored to the needs of the community. This includes selecting school superintendents, deciding on the curriculum and textbooks, managing budgets, and maintaining school facilities. Each school district has its own board, while larger entities may have regional boards that set broader educational guidelines.
The origins of school boards in the United States date back to 1837 in Massachusetts, aimed at standardizing education across the state. Members of a school board are typically elected volunteers at the local level, held accountable by the community they serve. They meet regularly to discuss educational standards, policies, and budgeting while allowing public input to ensure transparency and responsiveness to community needs. Additionally, boards make critical decisions regarding hiring and supervision within the school district, emphasizing the importance of community values and resources in shaping educational experiences.
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Board of education
A board of education is a group of people responsible for overseeing the operation of public schools in a specific geographic area. The group is sometimes referred to as a school board. The board is tasked with ensuring children in an area are getting the best possible education. This involves tasks such as choosing school superintendents and staff, deciding on textbooks and curriculum, adopting policies and procedures, managing the budget, and ensuring facilities are maintained. Each school district has its own school board. There are also boards responsible for oversight of larger areas, such as states and territories. These boards set rules for the local boards to follow and oversee education in other ways.

The first board of education in the United States was formed in Massachusetts in 1837. It was a state board that oversaw education for all of Massachusetts. Prior to that, education was less organized. In most cases, towns hired their own teachers. Supplies available to teachers and students depended on what local residents could afford. The state board was intended to help make education more uniform. Over time, boards were established in others states in an effort to make free education available across the country.
In 1867, the federal government established the Department of Education. One of its earliest tasks was to gather information about the individual schools around the country. This allowed the department to help advise states about forming school districts. School districts are geographic areas where the schools work together under a unified leadership. A district makes it easier to provide quality education and other resources to an area. Boards of education were formed to oversee the operation of these districts.
A board of education is a group of people who provide a link between communities and the schools that educate their children. Their role is to understand the educational needs of the area they serve and create the conditions to meet those needs. This allows each school district to address the specific circumstances in different communities while ensuring basic educational requirements.
For instance, a board of education in an area with higher yearly snowfalls might arrange the school schedule to allow for days when bad weather cancels classes. A school board in a high crime area might provide for extra security. Boards of education in areas with large immigrant populations can make sure resources are available to help children adjust and learn.
Members of a board of education that oversees states, territories, and some large public school systems are appointed to their positions. These board members are paid for their work. However, local school boards are most often volunteers who run for election to serve a community. They are directly accountable to the people who have elected them as their representatives. They are also expected to consider what the members of their community value in an education for their children. Board members must keep in mind that taxpayer dollars are used to pay for education. They are responsible for making sure the budget for the school’s programs, staffs, and buildings are not so excessive that residents cannot afford it.
The members of a board of education are accountable to the public, so residents have the opportunity to share their concerns and opinions before the board. School boards meet at least once each month. Often, they will meet more than once. Board members will also likely serve on one or more committees devoted to specific aspects of running the district, such as personnel, buildings and grounds, and curriculum. These meetings may be private. However, the main board of education meeting is held in public with members of the community present. During this meeting, time is set aside for the public to voice any questions, concerns, or requests. The public also has the ultimate authority over elected school board members at the polls, when they can vote to keep or replace a board member.
A board of education establishes standards for running the schools in the district. This includes everything from the educational requirements for each grade and for graduation, the behavior standards for teachers and staff, the schedules and rules under which the schools operate, and the way these requirements, standards, schedules, and rules will be enforced.
School boards also have the final say in most hiring decisions in a school district. The most important of these is the hiring of a superintendent. The superintendent is the person in charge of the day-to-day operation of a school district. They oversee the staff, ensure that the budget set by the school board is kept, and are responsible for making sure the district schools meet all state, local, and federal rules and laws for operation. They also make decisions on things like weather closings and assumes responsibility for ensuring there is a safety plan for emergencies and coordinating with first responders.
The superintendent typically interviews candidates and makes recommendations for other district personnel, such as principals, teachers, and aides. In most areas, members of the board of education are also often involved. Board members cast the final vote to hire a candidate. In doing this, they not only evaluate the candidate but also whether the position and salary fit in the district’s budget. They also approve continuing education options for teachers and other staff to help them do their jobs better.
Members of a board of education also make the final decision on the curriculum taught in the school. While some aspects of this are controlled at the national and state levels, school boards have the responsibility for making sure that the needs and preferences of the local community are considered to the extent that this is possible. For example, school boards may make decisions about sensitive topics such as sex education and at what grade that topic may be taught. They might also decide to include instruction on topics of special interest in their area, such as local history or cultural practices represented by their community.
To help with all this, board members often attend special conferences and training sessions. At these events, they learn about things like the latest trends in education, the newest equipment available for classrooms, the best practice for school security, and grants and special programs to help fund the needs of their districts. They also have an opportunity to talk to school board members from other places to discuss the challenges and latest developments of their positions.
“50 State Comparison: K-12 Governance.” Education Commission of the States, Accessed 12 Oct. 2021.
“About School Board and Local Governance.” National School Boards Association, Accessed 12 Oct. 2021.
“About State Boards of Education.” National Association of State Boards of Education, Accessed 12 Oct. 2021.
Chen, Grace. “A Relevant History of Public Education in the United States.” Public School Review,17 Feb. 2021, Accessed 12 Oct. 2021.
“School Board Salaries in America’s Largest School Districts.” Ballotpedia,‗board‗salaries‗in‗America%27s‗largest‗school‗districts. Accessed 12 Oct. 2021.
“What Are the Real Responsibilities of a School Board?” Boardable,8 July 2019, Accessed 12 Oct. 2021.
“What Every Parent Should Know About Their School Board.” Great Schools,26 May 2009, Accessed 12 Oct. 2021.