Environmental organizations
From the late twentieth century onward, especially since the 1970s, worldwide awareness of environmental issues has been heightened by the work of hundreds of nongovernmental organizations established to promote research, influence public policy, and encourage citizen engagement in solving problems associated with the earth’s environment and ecosystems. Some of the most important of these organizations are briefly described below; asterisks on entries indicate organizations that are profiled in more depth in individual essays in this encyclopedia.
![This is a photo of the pavilion "el faro" from the 2008 Expo in Zaragoza, Spain. It shows the final stage of construction before the Expo opened its doors. ECODES was heavily involved in coordinating and managing the building and organization of the "el faro." By BerlinBangkokBremen (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0) or GFDL (www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html)], via Wikimedia Commons 89474155-74255.jpg](https://imageserver.ebscohost.com/img/embimages/ers/sp/embedded/89474155-74255.jpg?ephost1=dGJyMNHX8kSepq84xNvgOLCmsE2epq5Srqa4SK6WxWXS)
African Conservation Foundation (ACF)
. Year founded: 1999. www.africanconservation.org. ACF focuses
on protecting and conserving African wildlife by seeking to find workable
approaches to managing natural resources that offer a balance between needs for
development and conservation initiatives. The organization provides training,
support, and assistance to groups that share similar aims. It also sponsors
research and conservation projects in Africa and engages in fund-raising to
promote awareness and support of these efforts. ACF has offices in several
African countries and in the United Kingdom.
American Farmland Trust (AFT)
. Year founded: 1980. farmland.org. AFT was founded by farmers and ranchers in
the United States to help preserve farms and ranches, promote a healthy and
sustainable environment, and build communities. It engages in lobbying
activities and produces publications outlining problems associated with the loss
of farm and ranch lands and suggesting solutions for retaining these resources.
AFT has been influential in the passage of several state and federal laws
governing farm and ranch preservation, including special provisions in the 1996,
2002, and 2008 farm bills passed by the U.S. Congress. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, AFT created an emergency relief fund in 2020 for small and mid-sized farmers.
Antinea Foundation
. Year founded: 2007. The Antinea
Foundation, based in Switzerland, supports research, education, and public
awareness programs aimed at promoting conservation of the earth’s oceans and
marine ecosystems. The current organization was formed from a merger of two
Swiss groups, Association Pacifique and Association Antinea. The centerpiece of
the foundation’s initiatives is a ten-year voyage of exploration and scientific
research conducted aboard the Antinea Foundation’s ship Fleur de
Passion, a converted German warship.
Association for Environment Conscious Building (AECB)
. Year founded: 1989. www.aecb.net. Operating in the United Kingdom, AECB promotes
building projects that respect and help preserve the environment. Its membership
includes builders, designers, housing professionals, and government officials.
The organization conducts seminars on green building practices, develops
building standards and codes that enhance conservation and reduce harmful
construction practices, and lobbies for implementation of rigorous requirements
to reduce the impacts of new construction and renovation on the environment,
especially standards that reduce harmful carbon emissions.
Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
. Year founded: 1979. www.aere.org. AERE is an association of academics,
professionals from government agencies and private research organizations, and
representatives of consulting firms who are committed to promoting the study of
environmental and natural resource economics. The group sponsors workshops,
conferences, and symposia as a means of sharing information and stimulating
further investigation of the economic ramifications of environmental problems. A
sister organization, the European Association of Environmental and Resource
Economists, was established in 1990 and works toward the same ends.
Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP)
. Year founded: 1975. www.califaep.org. AEP draws its members from the fields of
environmental planning, natural resources management, and environmental science.
It promotes awareness of environmental issues, serves as a watchdog on
governmental policies relating to the improvement or degradation of the
environment, monitors the impacts of current legislation, and lobbies for
changes to laws and policies to promote sustainability. The organization is also
actively involved in helping members improve their skills as environmental
activists and natural resource managers.
Australian Conservation Foundation
. Year founded: 1966. www.acfonline.org.au. The Australian Conservation Foundation
is a nonprofit organization focused on protecting the natural resources of
Australia. The group’s chief interests are research, policy development,
education, and advocacy. Over four decades, it has made significant contributions
to conservation efforts targeted at the Great Barrier Reef as well as several
endangered rivers and rainforests. It has campaigned against hazardous mining
practices and encouraged environmentally responsible farming and land
management. Since 1990, it has sought more active involvement with businesses to
promote environmentally responsible development.
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS)
. Year founded: 1963. www.cpaws.org. CPAWS (also known as Société pour la nature et
les parcs du Canada, or SNAP) is actively engaged in efforts to preserve the
Canadian wilderness. The group monitors government and private activity in
national and provincial parks, advocates for restricted development in natural
environments, and promotes maintenance of healthy natural ecosystems. Annually
it honors Canadians who have made notable contributions to conservation.
Center for Health, Environment, and Justice* (CHEJ)
. Year founded: 1981. www.chej.org. Formerly known as Citizens Clearinghouse for
Hazardous Waste, CHEJ is a grassroots organization that engages citizens in
campaigns to promote healthy communities through elimination of pollutants and
creation of sustainable urban ecosystems.
Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
. Year founded: 1989. www.ciel.org. CIEL is a nonprofit organization with offices
in the United States and Switzerland. The organization uses international courts
to regulate activities that might prove harmful to the environment. CIEL offers
legal counsel, conducts policy research, engages in advocacy initiatives, and
assists in building other groups’ capacities to make meaningful contributions to
environmental causes. It also sponsors educational activities, most notably a
curriculum in international environmental law at the American University in
Washington, D.C.
. Year founded: 1989. www.ceres.org. Ceres is a network of investors, environmental
organizations, and other public interest groups working to address a variety of
sustainability issues, including matters such as global climate change. market-based solutions which improve equity and advocating for federal policy changes.
Climate Project
. Year founded: 2006. www.climaterealityproject.org/. Founded by
former U.S. vice president and 2007 Nobel Peace Prize recipient Al Gore, the
Climate Reality Project, formally the Climate Project, was designed to bring worldwide awareness to the growing problems
associated with global warming and climate change. The organization sponsors
lectures and seminars at which carefully trained presenters stress the urgency
for action to reverse the damages of global warming. By 2009, the group had
trained more than two thousand people to help deliver its message. The Climate
Project has been the target of criticism from some observers who have expressed
concerns that the organization presents an alarmist message that is not always
rooted in sound science.
Comité de Liaison Energies Renouvelables (CLER)
. Year founded: 1984. www.cler.org/. CLER is an advocacy and educational
association made up of professionals from industry, commerce, architecture,
building trades groups, and the academic community working collaboratively to
promote sustainable energy for France. Members of CLER engage in educational
programs to promote awareness of energy issues and garner support for projects
that enhance the development of renewable energy resources.
Conservation International
. Year founded: 1987. www.conservation.org. Based in the United States,
Conservation International has been active in promoting projects to preserve the
world’s biodiversity both on land and in marine environments. Working in nearly
four dozen countries, the group has been active in sponsoring explorations of
remote regions, where dozens of previously unknown species of animals and plants
have been identified. The organization has engaged in lobbying efforts aimed at
restricting activities harmful to natural ecosystems, but it has also worked to
find solutions for allowing humans to live harmoniously within the natural
Conservation Law Foundation (CLF)
. Year founded: 1966. www.clf.org. CLF is a regional environmental advocacy group
focused on issues affecting the northeastern United States. It has lobbied
successfully to halt development that would have degraded several traditionally
important natural areas in the region, such as New Hampshire’s White Mountains;
has become involved in activities to clean up Atlantic coastal areas, several
rivers, and Boston Harbor; has advocated for mass transportation as a means of
reducing energy pollution; has fought against the proliferation of nuclear
power; and has initiated collaborative efforts to combat global warming by
rewarding companies that reduce emissions.
Earth First!*
. Year founded: 1980. Earth First! is a radical advocacy group
with branches in nearly twenty countries. It promotes direct action, including
civil disobedience, to protect the environment from commercial efforts at
Earth Policy Institute (EPI)
. Year founded: 2001. www.earth-policy.org. EPI, an advocacy group based in the
United States, is primarily interested in raising public awareness about dangers
facing the world’s population, among them environmental problems such as global
warming and the loss of plant and animal species. Established to promote the
ideas of environmentalist and activist Lester Brown, EPI publishes books and
reports that lay out a vision of a sustainable environment, document current
problems, and track efforts by governments and private groups in meeting
attainable systemic changes.
Earthwatch Institute
. Year founded: 1971. www.earthwatch.org. The Earthwatch Institute is an
international organization that engages people in activities that help them
understand what is required to create a sustainable natural environment.
Operating from offices in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and
Japan, the Institute sponsors research projects around the globe in which
volunteers are encouraged to join professionals on expeditions where they can
gather data on rainforest and marine ecology, wildlife conservation, and
Energy Action Coalition
. Year founded: 2004. www.powershift.org/. Energy Action
Coalition is a network of more than fifty U.S. and Canadian environmental groups
committed to raising awareness among college students regarding environmental
problems facing the planet. Headquartered in the United States, the organization
lobbies for changes to environmental law and policies and engages communities in
efforts to deal with challenges posed by the deteriorating condition of the
earth’s natural resources. The coalition encourages student involvement in
numerous conferences, seminars, and lobbying efforts to get federal governments
to reverse long-standing economic and environmental policies thought to favor
development over conservation and sustainability of ecosystems.
Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI)
. Year founded: 1984. eesi.org. EESI grew out of a program established by the
U.S. Congress in 1975 to gather and disseminate information about environment
and energy issues as a means of assisting lawmakers in developing sound
policies. The group became an independent nonprofit in 1984 but continued to
keep its focus on education and data collection. EESI sponsors congressional
briefings, meetings, and seminars and issues publications that address the
topics of global warming and air pollution. It endorses policies that promote
energy security and rural economic development and encourages increased use of
renewable energy sources and improved energy efficiency. The organization also
lobbies for the protection of areas such as the nation’s Arctic and coastal
Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)
. Year founded: 1967. edf.org. EDF has been one of the most effective and
one of the most controversial environmental advocacy organizations in the United
States. Growing from a grassroots movement to save endangered raptors in New
York, EDF emerged as a national force lobbying for laws and policies that
promote species conservation, clean water, and sustainable ecosystems. It claims
to have been the driving force behind the U.S. ban on the use of the pesticide
dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) and dangerous chemical compounds
including chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), passage of the Safe Drinking Water Act of
1974 and the 1990 amendments to the Clean Air Act, establishment of the
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve, and creation of the
U.S. Climate Action Partnership. Critics have charged, however, that EDF has
often exercised little concern for human communities in its zeal to enforce
tighter restrictions on the use of chemicals or improve natural ecosystems.
Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA)
. Year founded: 1968. edra.org. EDRA was founded in the United States to bring
together design professionals, social scientists, facilities managers, and
others interested in creating buildable spaces compatible with and respectful of
the natural environment. Its members meet regularly to share scholarship and
best practices, and EDRA publishes annual proceedings of the group’s meetings.
EDRA has also established a number of awards to recognize individuals,
organizations, and projects that demonstrate commitment to best practices in
environmental management.
Environmental Foundation for Africa (EFA)
. Year founded: 1992. www.efasl.org. Although founded in the United Kingdom, EFA
is based in West Africa and has as its principal focus the protection and
improvement of that region. EFA works locally to sponsor community involvement
in projects to improve environmental quality. The organization promotes
awareness of environmental problems, provides technical assistance in creating
solutions to those problems, serves as an advocacy group in lobbying for funding
and policy changes that will help preserve or improve the environment of the
region, and organizes networks of environmental organizations, government
agencies, and private funding groups to bring about change that will improve the
lives of the people of West Africa while respecting the natural world in which
they live.
Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA)
. Year founded: 1984. www.eia-international.org. Based in the
United Kingdom and the United States, EIA is an activist organization that funds
undercover investigations to identify violations of environmental law and expose
animal cruelty. EIA has been successful in focusing a spotlight on illegal
logging activities in Southeast Asia, securing a ban on the illegal trade in
tiger parts (particularly in China and India), lobbying for a cessation of
commercial whaling, and revealing the extent of illegal trading in hazardous
chemicals. Using evidence gathered in its investigations, EIA has lobbied
effectively for stricter laws governing environmental issues in numerous
Environmental Protection UK (EPUK)
. Year founded: 1898. www.environmental-protection.org.uk.
Originally the Coal Smoke Abatement Society and known for years as the National
Society for Clean Air and Environmental Protection, EPUK is a nongovernmental
organization dedicated to improving air quality in the United Kingdom. It has
also been active in efforts to reduce noise pollution and has campaigned to
protect and rehabilitate land areas. EPUK lobbies for stronger environmental
standards, particularly in the area of air quality, and provides assistance to
local governments in achieving those standards.
European Environmental Bureau (EEB)
. Year founded: 1974. eeb.org. EEB is a federation made up of more than 140
environmental groups from all member countries of the European Union (EU).
Organized principally to provide a unified and strong voice for representing the
interests of environmentalists, EEB provides information on environmental issues
to its members and to officials of individual European governments and the EU
Parliament and its subsidiaries. It also represents member organizations in
lobbying before these government bodies on pending legislation or on issues that
EEB believes require government action to protect or rehabilitate the region’s
natural resources.
Friends of the Earth International* (FOEI)
. Year founded: 1969. foei.org. FOEI is an international network of
environmental organizations with affiliates in seventy-seven countries. The
organization is dedicated to challenging environmentally unsound government
policies and to promoting initiatives that will sustain and improve ecosystems
Global Witness
. Year founded: 1993. globalwitness.org. Global Witness is an international
nonprofit organization whose aim is to investigate and expose criminal
activities and irresponsible behaviors that damage natural resources and have
negative impacts on the quality of life for people in impoverished areas of the
globe. Operating out of offices in the United States and the United Kingdom,
Global Witness uses information gathered in its investigations to lobby
governments for changes to policies that harm the environment and perpetuate
Green Belt Movement
. Year founded: 1977. www.greenbeltmovement.org. The Green Belt
Movement, established in Kenya by activist Wangari Maathai, is a grassroots
organization aimed at getting people, especially women, directly involved in
conservation efforts. It has sponsored the planting of trees across the country
as a means of replenishing resources used for subsistence by Kenya’s rural
population. During the 1980s the program expanded to other countries in Africa,
and Green Belt officials began actively engaging in efforts to protest
irresponsible development in the region.
. Year founded: 1971. www.greenpeace.org/international.
Greenpeace is an international organization with affiliates in more than forty
countries. It supports research and encourages lobbying efforts to identify and
promote sustainable ecosystems, but it has also engaged in direct action to stop
activities considered harmful to the environment.
Groupe Energies Renouvelables, Environnement, et Solidarités
. Year founded: 1976. geres.eu. GERES is a French nongovernmental organization
working in France, Africa, and Asia to provide technical expertise to improve
environmental conservation efforts, mitigate the effects of climate change, and
improve lives through sustainable development activities. It promotes access to
and efficient use of energy, develops plans for environmentally friendly waste
management, and works to combat climate change. Its members work through local
partnerships to facilitate environmental management and development of resources
for indigenous populations.
International Network for Sustainable Energy (INFORSE)
. Year founded: 1992. www.inforse.org. Headquartered in Denmark, INFORSE is a
network of environmental organizations working to promote sustainable energy,
protect the environment, and decrease poverty. An outgrowth of the 1992 Earth
Summit, INFORSE works through regional offices in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the
Americas to help develop programs aimed at transitioning the world’s economies
to 100 percent renewable energy sources by the year 2050. INFORSE has been
active in creating public awareness of energy issues and in collaborative
efforts with other organizations to establish and enforce standards relating to
energy production and use.
International Union for Conservation of Nature* (IUCN)
. Year founded: 1948. www.iucn.org. IUCN is dedicated to promoting the conservation
of natural resources; its principal focus has been on identifying endangered
species and promoting efforts to prevent extinctions.
Izaak Walton League
. Year founded: 1922. www.iwla.org. The Izaak Walton League was founded by American
sportsmen to promote protection of natural resources, especially rivers and
lakes. The group has lobbied for programs to preserve and rejuvenate America’s
rivers, lakes, wetlands, and wilderness areas. It was instrumental in the
creation of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge in
1924 and the passage of the Clean Water Act of 1972. Over the years the
organization has also lobbied against illegal logging and for legislation to
protect endangered species.
League of Conservation Voters* (LCV)
. Year founded: 1969. www.lcv.org. LCV is an educational and advocacy group in the
United States that lobbies to elect candidates to office who are likely to
support environmental issues.
National Audubon Society*
. Year founded: 1905. www.audubon.org. The National Audubon Society is a
conservancy group noted for its advocacy of programs aimed at the preservation
of bird species and habitats. It has been active in supporting bans on harmful
chemicals and in creating wildlife sanctuaries.
National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE)
. Year founded: 1990. ncseonline.org. Originally known as the Committee for the
National Institute for the Environment, NCSE is a U.S.-based nonprofit
organization that works to assist policy makers responsible for making decisions
about the environment by providing scientific data that they can use in forming
judgments. NCSE supports research, disseminates information, and operates public
education and outreach programs to communicate to the public accurate,
scientifically based information about the environment.
National Wildlife Federation (NWF)
. Year founded: 1936. www.nwf.org. Originally known as the General Wildlife
Federation, NWF is the largest environmental educational and advocacy group in
the United States. The federation’s principal aims are to connect individuals
with the natural world, protect and restore critical wildlife habitats, and work
toward reversing trends in global warming. NWF members come from a wide variety
of interests—sports enthusiasts, nature lovers, environmentalists, and
others—but work collaboratively to find ways to balance the needs of human
communities with those of the natural world. The group sponsors a number of
educational activities, information programs, and conferences and has also
partnered with other conservation organizations on a number of important
environmental projects.
Natural Resources Defense Council* (NRDC)
. Year founded: 1970. www.nrdc.org. NRDC is an advocacy group that has operated
principally in the United States but has also branched out to other countries;
it engages in lobbying activities and occasionally takes legal action to promote
sound environmental policy or seek the prohibition of activities it considers
detrimental to the environment.
Naturfreunde International (NFI)
. Year founded: 1895. www.nf-int.org/en. NFI (also known as Friends of Nature) is an
international organization founded as an offshoot of the Social Democratic
movement in Europe to promote appreciation for and responsible use of the
region’s natural resources. NFI initially encouraged recreation and tourism as a
means of stimulating people to become familiar with the natural world; over time
the organization has become effective and insistent in lobbying for responsible
conservation and sustainable development, especially for regions that cross
political boundaries.
Naturschutzbund Deutschland
. Year founded: 1899. www.nabu.de. Naturschutzbund Deutschland (also known as the
Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union) is one of Germany’s oldest and most
widely respected conservation groups, a private nonprofit that works on
conservation projects both within Germany and outside the country’s borders. The
group publishes periodic reports to inform the public about environmental
issues, conducts education programs, and works closely with governmental
agencies in crafting laws and policies affecting the environment.
Ocean Conservancy
. Year founded: 1972. www.oceanconservancy.org. Known as the
Center for Marine Conservation until 2001, the Ocean Conservancy is a nonprofit
organization based in the United States that is interested in preserving and
improving the world’s marine resources. The group works to promote healthy and
diverse ocean ecosystems and opposes practices that it considers to be threats
to both marine and human life. The Ocean Conservancy has been active in efforts
to restore sustainable American fisheries, protect wildlife from human
activities, and encourage government reforms that can bring about improved
stewardship for the oceans.
. Year founded: 1975. www.sustainableenergy.dk/. SustainableEnergy (also known as VedvarendeEnergi) is an association of individuals, business groups, and
educational institutions working to promote renewable energy for Denmark. Often
associated with the antinuclear movement, OVE has initiated grassroots campaigns
to lobby the Danish government to restrict the use of nonrenewable energy
sources and support the development of energy sources that can be replenished.
The organization conducts informational campaigns and has become involved in
cooperative efforts with other environmental groups to tackle issues such as
climate change and global warming.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals* (PETA)
. Year founded: 1980. www.peta.org. PETA is the largest animal rights group in the
world; it campaigns against various forms of animal cruelty, including
exploitation of animals in medical research, entertainment, and the use of
animals as food for humans.
Rainforest Action Network* (RAN)
. Year founded: 1985. ran.org. RAN is an environmental group concerned principally
with issues surrounding the sustainability of the world’s forests; it has
engaged in campaigns to pressure corporations to refrain from activities that
would deplete habitat or permanently alter the condition of forest terrains
Sierra Club*
. Year founded: 1892. www.sierraclub.org. The Sierra Club promotes responsible use
of the earth’s ecosystems and engages in educational initiatives and lobbying
activities to promote conservation and responsible use of natural resources.
Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
. Year founded: 1989. sei.org. Although
established by the government of Sweden, SEI is an independent organization
performing research and developing policies that promote sustainable
environments. It has offices in six countries in addition to Sweden, giving it
an international reach. SEI researchers focus on overarching issues such as
climate change, energy systems, ecosystem vulnerability, and governance issues,
as well as specific matters such as water resources and air pollution. The group
has influenced governmental policies through its work on sustainability modeling
and vulnerability assessments.
Tellus Institute
. Year founded: 1976. www.tellus.org. The Tellus Institute, headquartered in the
United States, has focused on scientific investigation to advance what it sees
as a necessary transition to a sustainable, equitable, and humane global
civilization. With funding from a variety of sources, including governments,
nongovernmental agencies, and corporations, Tellus Institute researchers have
produced reports on topics such as water quality, energy issues, requirements
for sustainable communities, corporate social responsibility, and climate
change. The institute has consistently sought to promote what it calls the
“Great Transition,” a paradigm shift in cultural values away from materialism
and consumerism to a greater sense of global citizenship in which individual
fulfillment can be achieved in societies that provide sufficiently for all their
Union of Concerned Scientists* (UCS)
. Year founded: 1969. www.ucsusa.org. UCS, which was founded by researchers to
investigate the scientific ramifications of government policies regarding the
environment, promotes research and lobbying on a wide range of issues, including
energy policy, climate change, and developments in technology, especially
military technology, that may potentially affect the environment.
U.S. Climate Action Partnership* (USCAP)
. Year founded: 2007. USCAP is an umbrella organization uniting
efforts of businesses and environmental groups to encourage government action to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Wetlands International
. Year founded: 1954. www.wetlands.org. Wetlands International, a conservation
group headquartered in the Netherlands, began as the International Wildfowl
Inquiry, dedicated to the protection of waterfowl. It gradually broadened its
focus to include protection of wetlands and changed its name to International
Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Bureau (IWRB). In 1991, this group merged with
the Asian Wetland Bureau and Wetlands for the Americas and assumed its current
name. Wetlands International works to protect and restore the world’s wetlands
through scientific investigation, educational programs, and advocacy initiatives
to influence government policy regarding these areas.
Wilderness Society*
. Year founded: 1935. wilderness.org. The Wilderness Society is an American group
devoted to the preservation and responsible use of the nation’s wilderness
areas; it monitors policies and activities related to government-owned areas
such as national forests and areas controlled by the Bureau of Land
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
. Year founded: 1995. www.wbcsd.org. The WBCSD, formed by a merger of the Business
Council for Sustainable Development and the World Industry Council for the
Environment, is an association of more than two hundred companies interested in
the relationship between business and the environment. Headquartered in
Switzerland with offices in the United States and Belgium, the WBCSD promotes
eco-friendly business practices and lobbies governments for policy changes that
will help bring about both sustainable environments and economies. Group members
operate on the philosophy that responsible policies regarding the environment
are ultimately good for business as well.
World Resources Institute* (WRI)
. Year founded: 1982. www.wri.org. WRI is a think tank based in Washington, D.C.,
whose members are concerned with protecting the earth’s ecosystems and
simultaneously enhancing people’s lives. The group unites scientists and
business leaders to conduct research, provide information to the public, and
promote environmentally responsible development that improves communities
Worldwatch Institute*
. Year founded: 1974. The Worldwatch Institute is a research
organization that collects and disseminates data on issues such as climate
change, degradation of natural resources, and population growth in order to
promote sustainable development.
World Wide Fund for Nature* (WWF)
. Year founded: 1961. wwf.panda.org. Originally known as the World Wildlife Fund,
WWF is an international organization that encourages conservation of natural
resources (both animal and plant) and fosters sustainable development; it has
actively promoted the harmonious relationship of humans with natural ecosystems
Cohen, Steven, et al. Understanding Environmental Policy. 2nd ed. New York: Columbia UP, 2014. Print.
Jordan, Andrew. Environmental Policy in the European Union: Actors, Institutions and Processes. Sterling: Earthscan, 2012. Print.
Mellino, Cole. “'How to Change the World' Traces the Birth of Greenpeace, World Premier at Sundance.” EcoWatch, 30 Jan. 2015, www.ecowatch.com/how-to-change-the-world-traces-the-birth-of-greenpeace-world-premier-a-1882006492.html. Accessed 5 Feb. 2023.
Spapens, Toine, et al. Environmental Crime and Its Victims: Perspectives within Green Criminology. Burlington: Ashgate, 2014. Print.
Taylor, Dorceta E. "The State of Diversity in Environmental Organizations." University of Michigan School of Natural Resources & Management. 2014diversegreen.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/FullReport‗Green2.0‗FINAL.pdf. Accessed 4 Feb. 2023.