International Policy Network (IPN)

  • DATE: Established 2001, dissolved in 2011


A nongovernmental, nonpartisan organization that is charity-based in the United Kingdom and a nonprofit in the United States, the International Policy Network (IPN) highlights the dangers of linking environmental regulations to trade rules. The IPN claims to achieve its vision by “promoting the role of market institutions in certain key international policy debates: sustainable development, health, and globalization and trade.” In the area of sustainable development, the group takes the stand that, too often, involves policies that may, in fact, perpetuate environmental problems and poverty. Although acknowledging a relationship between health, wealth, and a clean environment, IPN believes that sustainable development policies focus too much on at the expense of development.

To achieve its mission, IPN pursues a number of activities: It supports individuals and groups who profess similar beliefs with websites, advice, and small grants. It sponsors workshops, seminars, and conferences and cooperates with groups to produce books, monographs, and articles that express opinions on issues for the media. At international conferences, it helps coordinate the participation of experts in various fields that relate to the interests of IPN and promotes its partners among the news media.

In the area of health, IPN addresses issues such as access to medicine, barriers that reduce the spread of infectious diseases, and the impact of regulation on modern technologies related to nutrition and health. The group feels that the policies of governments and other agencies are often enthusiastic but not practical, thus wasting funds and labor hours on ill-conceived initiatives that ultimately cost lives. In the area of trade, IPN espouses the benefits of freedom to trade; trade is considered fundamental to eliminating poverty and gaining economic freedom. The organization also, however, sees as dangerous the linking of environmental and labor regulations with trade rules. IPN bases its vision of sustainable development on achieving both environmental and human well-being through eliminating poverty and promoting progress. The UK branch of the organization formally closed in 2011, and no further significant action was taken by any associate of the IPN.

Significance for Climate Change

IPN released a report in 2004 saying “climate change is ’a myth’” and that warnings of environmental disaster due to climate change are “fatally flawed.” The activities of the organization are focused on resisting attempts to stave off global warming at the expense of economic interests. The organization's policies did not change before its closure in 2011.

"International Policy Network." InfluenceWatch, Accessed 21 Dec. 2024.

"What Is Climate Change? A Really Simple Guide." BBC, 26 Nov. 2024, Accessed 21 Dec. 2024.