Forest management

DEFINITION: Policy making and supervision related to the ways in which various resources contained in forestlands are used and protected

The world’s forests provide lumber for homes, fuelwood for cooking and heating, and raw materials for making such products as paper, latex rubber, dyes, and essential oils. Forests are also home to millions of plants and animal species and are vital in regulating climate, purifying the air, and controlling water runoff. Issues surrounding the management of these important resources are the subject of ongoing discussion.

Thousands of years ago, before humans began clearing the forests for croplands and settlements, forests and woodlands covered almost 6.1 billion hectares (15 billion acres) of the earth. By the second decade of the twenty-first century, approximately one-third percent of the world's forests had been cleared and converted to pasture, agricultural land, cities, and nonproductive land. The remaining 4.6 billion hectares (11.4 billion acres) of forests covered approximately 31 percent of the earth’s land surface.

Clearing forests has severe environmental consequences. It reduces the overall productivity of the land, and nutrients and stored in trees and leaf litter are lost. Soil once covered with plants, leaves, and snags becomes prone to and drying. When forests are cleared, habitats are destroyed and is greatly diminished. Destruction of forests causes water to drain off the land instead of being released into the atmosphere by or into groundwater. This can cause major changes in the hydraulic cycle and ultimately in the earth’s climate. Forests also remove a large amount of carbon dioxide from the air; thus the clearing of forests causes more carbon dioxide to remain in the air, upsetting the delicate balance of atmospheric gases.

Rainforest Destruction

The destruction of tropical rainforests is of great concern. These forests provide habitats for at least 50 percent (some estimates are as high as 90 percent) of the total stock of animal, plant, and insect species on earth. They supply one-half of the world’s annual harvest of hardwood and hundreds of food products, such as chocolate, spices, nuts, coffee, and tropical fruits. Tropical rainforests also provide the main ingredients in 25 percent of the world’s prescription and nonprescription drugs, as well as more than two thousand plants identified as containing chemicals that fight cancer. Many industrial materials, such as natural latex rubber, resins, dyes, and essential oils, are also harvested from tropical forests.

Tropical forests are often cleared by individuals, groups, or companies with the intent of producing pastureland for large cattle ranches, establishing logging operations, constructing large plantations, growing drug crops such as marijuana or coca plants, developing mining operations, or building dams to provide power for mining and smelting operations. In 1985 the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization’s Committee on Forest Development in the Tropics developed the Tropical Forestry Action Plan to combat these practices. Fifty nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America adopted the plan, which sought to develop sustainable forest methods and protect precious ecosystems. The Tropical Forestry Action Plan was later replaced by the Tropical Forestry Action Programme.

Several management techniques have been successfully applied to tropical forests. Sustainable logging practices and programs have been established on lands that allow timber cutting, with complete bans of logging on virgin lands. Certain regions have set up extractive reserves to protect land for the native peoples who live in the forests and gather latex rubber and nuts from mature trees. Sections of some tropical forests have been set aside as national reserves, which attract tourists while preserving trees and biodiversity. Developing countries have also been encouraged to protect their tropical forests by using a combination of debt-for-nature swaps and conservation easements. In debt-for-nature swaps, nations act as custodians of their tropical forests in exchange for foreign aid or relief from debt. Conservation easements involve tropical countries protecting specific habitats in exchange for compensation from other countries or from private organizations.

Another management technique involves putting large areas of forestlands under the control of indigenous peoples who use swidden or milpa agriculture. These traditional, productive forms of slash-and-burn agriculture follow multiple-year cycles. Each year a forest plot approximately 1 hectare (2.5 acres) in size is cleared to allow the sun to penetrate to the ground. Leaf litter, branches, and fallen trunks are burned and leave a rich layer of ashes. Fast-growing crops such as bananas and papayas are planted and provide shade for root crops, which are planted to anchor the soil. Finally, crops such as corn and rice are planted. Crops mature in a staggered sequence, thus providing a continuous supply of food. The natives’ use of mixed perennial polyculture helps prevent insect infestations, which can destroy monoculture crops. After one or two years the forest begins to take over the agricultural plot. The native farmers continue to pick the perennial crops but essentially allow the forest to reclaim the plot for the next ten to fifteen years before clearing and planting the area again.

US Forests and Management

Forests cover approximately one-third of the land area of the continental United States; American forests constitute about 7.5 percent of the forests in the world. Less than a quarter of the commercial forest area in the United States lies within national forests. The rest is managed primarily by private companies that grow trees for commercial logging. The land managed by the US Forest Service provides inexpensive grazing lands for more than two million cattle, horses, goats, and sheep every year, supports multimillion-dollar mining operations, and consists of a network of roads about eight times longer than the US interstate highway system. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, about 70 percent of American national forestland was open for commercial logging, and the Forest Service reports that in 2021, 2.8 percent of the timber harvested in the United States each year has come from national forestlands. Total wood production in the United States has caused the loss of more than 95 percent of the old-growth forests in the lower forty-eight states. This loss includes not only high-quality wood but also a rich diversity of species not found in early-growth forests.

National forests in the United States are required by law to be managed in accordance with principles of sustainable yield. The US Congress has mandated that forests be managed for a combination of uses, including grazing, logging, mining, recreation, and protection of watersheds and wildlife. Healthy forests also require protection from pathogens and insects. Sustainable forestry, which emphasizes biological diversity, provides the best management. Other management techniques include removing only infected trees and vegetation, cutting infected areas and removing debris, treating trees with antibiotics, developing disease-resistant species of trees, using insecticides and fungicides, and developing integrated management plans.

Two basic systems are used to manage trees: even-aged and uneven-aged. Even-aged management involves maintaining trees in a given stand that are about the same age and size. Trees are harvested at the same time, then seeds are planted to provide for a new even-aged stand. This method, which tends toward the cultivation of a single species or monoculture of trees, emphasizes the mass production of fast-growing, low-quality wood (such as pine) to give a faster economic return on investment. Even-aged management requires close supervision and the application of both fertilizers and pesticides to protect the monoculture species from disease and insects.

Uneven-aged management maintains trees at many ages and sizes to permit a natural regeneration process. This method helps sustain biological diversity, provides for long-term production of high-quality timber, allows for an adequate economic return, and promotes a multiple-use approach to forest management. Uneven-aged management also relies on selective cutting of mature trees and reserves for small patches of tree species that respond favorably to such logging methods.

Harvesting Methods

The use of a particular tree-harvesting method depends on the tree species involved, the site, and whether even-aged or uneven-aged management is being applied. Selective cutting is used on intermediate-aged or mature trees in uneven-aged forests. Carefully selected trees are cut in a prescribed stand to provide for a continuous and attractive forest cover that preserves the forest ecology.

Shelterwood cutting involves removing all the mature trees in an area over a period of ten years. The first harvest removes dying, defective, or diseased trees. This allows more sunlight to reach the healthiest trees in the forest, which will then cast seeds and shelter new seedlings. When the seedlings have turned into young trees, a second cutting removes many of the mature trees, leaving enough mature trees to provide protection for the younger trees. When the young trees become well established, a third cutting harvests the remaining mature trees, leaving an even-aged stand of young trees from the best seed trees to mature. When done correctly, this method leaves a natural-looking forest and helps both to reduce soil erosion and to preserve wildlife habitat.

Seed-tree cutting harvests almost every tree at one site with the exception of a few high-quality, seed-producing, and wind-resistant trees, which function as seed sources to generate new crops. This method allows a variety of species to grow at one time and aids in erosion control and wildlife conservation.

Clear-cutting removes all the trees in a single cutting. The clear-cut may involve a strip, an entire stand, or patches of trees. The area is then replanted with seeds to grow even-aged or tree-farm varieties. More than two-thirds of the timber produced in the United States, and almost one-third of the timber in national forests, was harvested by clear-cutting. A clear-cut reduces biological diversity by destroying habitat, can make trees in bordering areas more vulnerable to winds, and creates an area that may take decades to regenerate.

Forest Fires

Forest fires can be divided into three types: surface, crown, and ground fires. Surface fires tend to burn only the undergrowth and leaf litter on the forest floor. Most mature trees easily survive these kinds of fires, as does wildlife. These fires historically have occurred every decade or so in forests with an abundance of ground litter and can help prevent more destructive crown and ground fires. Such fires can even and recycle valuable nutrients, stimulate certain tree seeds, and help eliminate insects and pathogens. However, researchers predict that more severe fires will occur with greater frequency as the global climate changes.

Crown fires are very hot fires that burn both and tree tops. They normally occur in forests that have not experienced fires for several decades. Strong winds allow these fires to spread from deadwood and ground litter to treetops. They are capable of killing all vegetation and wildlife, leaving the land prone to erosion. Ground fires are most common in northern bogs. They can begin as surface fires but burn peat or partially decayed leaves below the ground surface. They can smolder for days or weeks before anyone notices them, and they are difficult to douse.

Natural forest fires can be beneficial to some species of trees, such as the giant sequoia and the jack pine, which release seeds for germination only after being exposed to intense heat. Grassland and pine forest ecosystems that depend on fires to regenerate are called fire climax ecosystems. They are managed for optimum productivity with prescribed fires.

The Society of American Foresters has begun advocating a concept called new forestry, in which ecological health and biodiversity, rather than timber production, are the main objectives of forestry. Advocates of new forestry propose that any given site should be logged only every 350 years, wide buffer zones should be left beside streams to reduce erosion and protect habitat, and logs and snags should be left in forests to help replenish soil fertility. Proponents of such forestry also endorse the involvement of private landowners in the cooperative management of lands.


Bettinger, Pete, et al. Forest Management and Planning. Burlington, Mass.: Academic Press, 2009.

Colfer, Carol J. Pierce. The Equitable Forest: Diversity, Community, and Resource Management. Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future, 2005.

Crow, Thomas R. “Landscape Ecology and Forest Management.” In Issues and Perspectives in Landscape Ecology, edited by John Wiens and Michael Moss. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Davis, Lawrence S., et al. Forest Management: To Sustain Ecological, Economic, and Social Values. 4th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2001.

McNeely, Jeffrey A., et al. Conserving the World’s Biological Diversity. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 1990.

Riddle, Anne A. "Timber Harvesting on Federal Lands." Congressional Research Service, 25 Oct. 2022, Accessed 17 July 2024.

Robbins, William G. American Forestry. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1985.

"Forest Management." U.S. Forest Service, Accessed 17 July 2024.