Chondrites are a type of stony meteorite and represent the most common class of meteorites, making up approximately 90% of all stony meteorites. They are characterized by the presence of chondrules, which are small, rounded particles formed from high-temperature silicate minerals, and are embedded within a matrix of fine-grained minerals and glass. Chondrites can be categorized into different groups based on their mineral composition, primarily the H, L, and LL types, which vary in iron content, as well as the rarer E type, which is rich in enstatite, and the carbonaceous chondrites, which contain significant amounts of carbon compounds.
The study of chondrites provides insights into the early solar system, including the processes that led to the formation of planets. They offer clues about the conditions of their formation, which can range from high-temperature environments to more volatile-rich settings. Additionally, chondrites retain characteristics that may help researchers understand the evolution of the solar system and the origins of organic compounds that are crucial for life on Earth. Their complex mineralogy and history make them an essential area of study in planetary science and the quest to understand our own planet's origins.
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Subject Terms
Chondrites are a class of stony meteorites that contain chondrules, small mineral droplets that make up a prominent part of their material. Chondrites are the most common type of meteorite.
Meteorites are divided into three main groups based on the abundance of metallic and stony minerals they contain: the nickel-iron meteorites (often just called iron meteorites or irons), stony-iron meteorites (or stony irons), and stony meteorites (or stones). Stony meteorites (or stones) are the most abundant of the three groups. They are composed mostly of the minerals olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase feldspar. Metallic nickel-iron grains occur in varying small amounts and are accompanied by an iron-sulfide mineral called troilite, which is very rare on Earth. Stony meteorites have the greatest variety in composition, color, and structure.
One particular structural feature called chondrules divides the stony meteorites into two main subgroups: the chondrites, those with chondrules, and achondrites, those without. Chondrites are much more common than achondrites; about nine of ten stony meteorites are chondrites. The words “chondrule” and “chondrite” are derived from the Greek word chondros, meaning grain. Chondrules are small, rounded particles generally made of high-temperature silicate minerals whose texture indicates rapid from molten material. These chondrules range in size from less than a millimeter to just under a centimeter. They can be either whole or partial and are embedded within a of fine-grained opaque minerals and glass. The most common types of chondrules are the barred olivine, the excentroradial “feathery” pyroxene, and the porphyritic and varieties. These mineral textures, along with the interstitial glass, are indicative of rapid cooling from a high-temperature liquid.
Mineralogically, most chondrites typically are composed of about 45 percent olivine, 25 percent pyroxene, 10 percent plagioclase feldspar, 5 percent troilite, and 2 to 15 percent nickel-iron alloy minerals (kamacite and taenite). Chondrites that tend to be poorer in olivine have a correspondingly higher metal content, and the reverse is also true. This relationship gives rise to a classification scheme in which the three main groups of chondrites are defined: the H type (high iron content), the L type (low iron content), and the LL type (very low iron content). Visually, specimens may be roughly classified into one of these groups by the amount of metal observed on a cut surface. Texture also can play a part in identifying specific types, as the LL type tends to be more brecciated (composed of rock fragments) than the H and L types. These three groups make up the vast majority of chondrites, but other, rarer groups are also recognized. The E type (or enstatite) chondrites are named for the predominance of the mineral enstatite (an iron-free magnesium-rich pyroxene); iron, constituting about 15 to 25 percent of this type’s composition, commonly occurs in the metallic state. The principal differences in the mineralogy of these types can be attributed to different oxidation states and thus reflect specific conditions of formation. The H, L, and LL chondrites are indicative of a relatively high oxidation state. The E chondrites, on the other hand, are indicative of more reducing conditions and offer an interesting insight into variations in formation processes.
Another rare group, the carbonaceous chondrites (C type), derives its name from the carbon found in their bulk chemistry, which far exceeds the normal trace amounts found in ordinary chondrites. Most chondrites (the ordinary chondrites) contain little or no carbon, but a few (the C type or carbonaceous chondrites) contain a suite of carbon compounds. The exhibit a wide variation in their chemistries and conditions of formation. These differences divide them into several distinct types. The most primitive type of carbonaceous chondrite, called the CI (or C1) type, is different from all other chondrites, both carbonaceous and ordinary, in that carbonaceous chondrites lack chondrules and consist almost entirely of low-temperature minerals, particularly clays. The CII (or C2 or CM) type contains numerous organic compounds, including amino acids, that may have served as the basis for the development of life on Earth. The CB carbonaceous chondrites exhibit a high oxidation state with an abundance of substances. The CO type is slightly less oxidized but contains metal and sulfides. The CV type closely resembles the CO type in mineral composition and oxidation state but contains large quantities of chondrules and whitish aggregates with a high calcium-aluminum content. Together, the CV and CO types are sometimes referred to as the CIII (or C3) type. The carbonaceous chondrites exhibit a variety of conditions of formation that range from a high-temperature, low-pressure, volatile-poor environment to one that is at a lower temperature and volatile-rich. As a group, the carbonaceous chondrites have provided a wealth of information on many different aspects of planetary formation and the development of biological processes that may have occurred in the early solar system.
Chondrites show varying degrees of similarity to Earth rocks, yet they are distinct from any Earth rock. Their basic mineralogy reveals that most chondrites were originally formed under high-temperature conditions from molten material like igneous rocks but were later broken up and reassembled like sedimentary rocks. Once incorporated into a new mass, the chondrites were subject to variations in temperatures and pressures, thus becoming metamorphosed. It is evident that they have had a rather complex evolutionary history and can, therefore, provide interesting evidence for the interpretation of early solar system history.
The study of chondritic meteorites raises important questions based on variations in their chemical compositions and textural features. How did they condense from the solar nebula, and what type of parent body produced all these variations? To try to provide some answers, a hypothetical parent body between 200 and 300 kilometers across is proposed. This body would have been chondritic in nature and subjected to partial melting, presumably because of the short-lived radioisotope aluminum 26. Later bombardment by smaller bodies would produce localized melting and the brecciation that is common to most chondrites. This model is highly speculative but does offer a reasonable explanation for many of the features of the different types. In addition, some of the chondrites retain some of their pre-parent-body characteristics and offer evidence of the conditions that existed before the accretion of asteroid-sized bodies. Thus, the chondritic meteorites play an important part in the understanding of planetary formation.
Methods of Study
Chondritic meteorites are studied by many different analytical methods. The first is the determination of bulk chemical content. This can be achieved through basic wet chemical techniques or by the use of more sophisticated methods such as activation analysis and X-ray fluorescence. Where individual minerals are large enough, X-ray diffraction can be employed for a positive identification of the particular mineral phase. However, the mineral grains in most chondrites are usually too small and require an alternative approach using an electron microprobe. This instrument utilizes a microscope to locate tiny individual mineral grains, and then electron bombardment of the grain causes the atoms of each element in it to emit X-rays with characteristic energies, making it possible to determine very precise mineral phases at the microscopic level.
Once the meteorite’s mineralogy is known, it becomes possible to employ radioisotope dating techniques to learn the age at which the minerals crystallized. This can be achieved by the use of potassium-to-argon (K-Ar), rubidium-to-strontium (Rb-Sr), uranium-to-lead (U-Pb), and thorium-to-lead (Th-Pb) rates. It is from such data that some chondritic meteorites have been established as the oldest known solid materials in the solar system.
To determine what has physically happened to the chondrite over the eons requires optical analysis with a petrographic microscope. This instrument offers a magnified view of the texture of the meteorite and the minerals it contains, which in turn provides a look at features that relate to the original condition of the meteorite and the significant changes that occurred at later dates. In this technique, a thin slice (about 0.03 millimeters thick) of the meteorite is cut and adhered to a glass plate, thus permitting light to pass through. In this way, researchers can easily identify mineral grains, examine the nature and appearance of any chondrules, and look for evidence of and the characteristics of thermal and mechanical alteration resulting from shock impact.
Experimental petrology—laboratory experiments designed to reproduce the mineralogies and textures found in chondrules—has provided valuable data for developing theories to explain chondrule formation and the accretion process of the chondrites themselves. Mathematical models and computer simulations also are used to try to explain chondrite origin. All these different techniques provide clues about the conditions and processes of meteorite formation and their relationship to planetary formation.
Meteorites, in general, provided humans’ first contact with extraterrestrial materials. Chondrites are similar to certain types of Earth rocks in both their chemistry and their mineralogy. The chondrules they contain have proven to be the oldest known solid material in the solar system. Detailed examination of these chondrules and their matrix material reveals evidence of the processes leading to the formation of the planets. Into the twenty-first century, scientists continue to make discoveries further illuminating chondrites. For example, studies traced approximately 70 percent of Earth's meteorites to three specific asteroid families in the main asteroid belt. Further, in 2023, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)'s OSIRIS-REx mission successfully returned samples from the carbonaceous asteroid Bennu which provided insights into chrondrites.
The carbonaceous chondrites provide information about the organic chemistry that developed in space and the origin of the compounds that eventually may have led to the beginning of life on Earth. The study of chondritic meteorites has revealed much about the conditions that existed when the was formed. They indicate a set of unique conditions that may have lasted only a short period of time and, therefore, may be the key to understanding how the terrestrial planets came to exist. They have given us new perspectives on our origins and our home, the Earth.
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