Deer velvet's therapeutic uses

DEFINITION: Natural animal product used to treat specific health conditions.

PRINCIPAL PROPOSED USE: Male sexual dysfunction

OTHER PROPOSED USES: Adaptogen, cancer prevention, drug addiction support, immune support, liver protection, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis treatment, pain control, rheumatoid arthritis, sports performance, and bodybuilding enhancement, anti-aging


Deer velvet is the common name of a product made from the still-growing antlers of deer during a stage when they are covered in soft, velvety hair. New Zealand is a major exporter of deer velvet, shipping tens of millions of US dollars worth to Asia and the United States each year.

According to Asian tradition, deer velvet has tonic properties, which tend to enhance energy and vitality. In modern times, it has been called an adaptogen. This term, invented by early Soviet scientists, refers to a hypothetical treatment that can be described as follows: An adaptogen should help the body adapt to stresses of various kinds, whether heat, cold, exertion, trauma, sleep deprivation, toxic exposure, radiation, infection, or psychological stress. Furthermore, an adaptogen should cause no side effects, be effective in treating a variety of illnesses, and help return an organism toward balance regardless of the cause of illness.

However, it is critical to remember that the only indisputable example of an adaptogen is a healthful lifestyle. By eating right, exercising regularly, and generally living a life of balance and moderation, a person will increase physical fitness and the ability to resist illnesses of all types. The herb ginseng is widely said to have adaptogenic properties. However, there is no reliable evidence that any herb or supplement has adaptogenic properties, and conventional medicine does not accept the term.

Therapeutic Dosages

A typical dosage of deer antler is 1 to 3 grams daily, taken all at once or divided throughout the day.

Therapeutic Uses

In the 1960s, an injectable form of deer velvet was used by Japanese physicians to treat male sexual dysfunction. Deer velvet first gained popularity in the United States in the late 1990s. Numerous books and Internet sites claim that deer velvet can enhance sexual performance by increasing levels of male hormones. However, these claims are based on extremely preliminary research. Only double-blind, placebo-controlled studies can actually prove a treatment effective, and the one study of this type reported for deer velvet failed to find evidence of benefit.

In this study, thirty-two healthy men aged forty-five to sixty were given either deer velvet (1 gram [g] daily) or a placebo for twelve weeks. The results showed no significant change in sexual function or male hormone levels in the treated group compared with the placebo group. Continuing studies in the twenty-first century also showed no measurable effect on sexual dysfunction when taken by study subjects. Also, a six-month, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 168 people with rheumatoid arthritis failed to find that elk velvet antler enhanced the effectiveness of conventional treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.

Deer antler contains cartilage. On this basis, and based on one study in dogs, cartilage has been promoted as a treatment for osteoarthritis; however, cartilage is not a proven treatment for this condition. Further, velvet is different from cartilage. Numerous other proposed benefits of deer velvet are based on test-tube studies or other forms of evidence that are too preliminary to rely upon. These claimed benefits include brain and prostate cancer prevention, drug addiction support, immune support, liver protection, osteoporosis treatment, pain control, skin repair, anti-inflammatory benefits, and sports performance and bodybuilding enhancement. Deer velvet is often promoted as a key ingredient in anti-aging tonics.

Double-blind, placebo-controlled human studies of deer velvet have continued to find both benefits and dubious results. One study of deer velvet's ability to affect anaerobic performance and muscle strength showed little benefit. Still, another study showed deer velvet supplementation helped to relieve some symptoms of menopause.

Safety Issues

Besides occasional allergic reactions, deer velvet does not appear to cause many apparent, immediate side effects. However, there are concerns based on contamination with the tranquilizers and anesthetics used during the process of removing the horn from the deer. One of the substances used, xylazine, a veterinary anesthetic often found in street fentanyl in the twenty-first century, is highly sedative and carcinogenic. Studies have found that low but potentially dangerous levels of xylazine are contained in deer antler products.

Another set of risks derives from the proposed effects of deer velvet: raising male hormone levels. If deer velvet does increase male hormones as advertised, this could lead to a range of potential problems; however, as noted, there is no real evidence that it actually does. Finally, the safety of deer velvet use in young children, pregnant or nursing women, and people with severe liver or kidney disease has not been established.


Allen, M., et al. "A Randomized Clinical Trial of Elk Velvet Antler in Rheumatoid Arthritis." Biological Research for Nursing, vol. 9, 2008, pp. 254-261.

Conaglen, H. M., J. M. Suttie, and J. V. Conaglen. "Effect of Deer Velvet on Sexual Function in Men and Their Partners." Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol. 32, 2003, pp. 271-278.

"Safety and Dosages." Deer Antler Velvet, Accessed 12 Sept. 2024.

"Statistics - Deer NZ." Deer Industry New Zealand, Accessed 12 Sept. 2024.

Tinsley, Grant. “What Are Deer Antler Supplements? Health Effects and Safety.” Healthline, 26 Oct. 2021, Accessed 12 Sept. 2024.